Ser. Bigboote-Wiggums

The tenacity of the poor UPS agent that had to deliver it to the end of the road in True Detective S1 E8 Louisiana. 

I only do for Zelda's basically. 

Here in southern WV, I walked into the Gamestop just down the road.

I eat less than 2000 calories a day. Considerably less. With moderate physical activity, I should be losing weight. I am not, and neither is anybody I know with insulin resistance or hormonal issues. And I don’t even have those problems. And I’m only about 20lbs overweight. It’s not even like I’m someone with serious

He’s fantastic in everything I’ve ever seen him in. From Fargo to the Channel Zero No End House. He could do a fantastic judge. 

Stellan was another I failed to mention. He could be fantastic as the Judge. Shannon is a good choice too (Big Michael Shannon fan), depending on the prosthetics or angles used.

One, dieting mainly only really removes water weight and non-fat cell weight when you aren’t exercising, at first. Cutting sodium reduces water weight, as much as cutting carbs does. Yes, eventually, if you are healthy anyways, purely dieting will lose weight. But most people who have actual weight problems aren’t

Yeah, that’s another issue. The Kid is an analogue for the audience. In many of the most brutal scenes and events that take place in the book, the Kid is not even really mentioned until the end of the sequence. Like when they massacre the Apache village full of seniors and women and children. The Kid is not mentioned

Aye, I feel the same way. It’s not just the content, but the dialogue and way it was written - that’s why it’s almost impossible to put to screen. It’s also just incredibly dense. There’s so much that happens in the book that trying to make it into a 2.5hr movie is like trying to fit Homer's Odyssey into a short film

Did you watch it after Wendi’s video on it? I’d read it years ago in middle school, but I saw his video and his analysis on it (and it was good), and apparently his video bumped Blood Meridian up to one of the most searched and bought books on Amazon as of the last few weeks. Kinda of amazing, actually.

VD, as some else mentioned, Glenn Fleshler, John Carroll Lynch, perhaps Bautista.

I can’t begin to imagine how they will properly adapt this into a movie. Blood Meridian is, absolutely, one of the greatest American novels ever written, and may even be THE Great American Novel. At least in my opinion.

Your oversimplifying it again. If you just eat healthy, that is often not enough for people who have legitimate problems with losing weight. You can be hyperbolic all you want about it like it’s some sort of free energy, but that’s not how bodies work. We store energy as fat. Simply eating healthier does not

Don't get me wrong, Linkle is an incredibly stupid name. But I don't think it's worth having a stroke over. 

Ok, well either way then. 

My love for thighs notwithstanding, Brig is the most, idk - I dont want to say normal, cuz that ain’t it - but the most universal looking female in the game.

You get alot of people (Doctors) who are specialists in their field or general practitioners who think they know better than everyone else about EVERY field related to medical practice. 

It’s also often a waste of time to tell someone to eat healthier if they are overweight.

The word was morality, not mortality. Which, yes, mortality is related.

It’s something special, really. All of these people ready to inform, and no one was an obnoxious ass about it, so that was nice.