Ser. Bigboote-Wiggums

They don't have the balls. If they did, they would have long ago. 

Sony quite literally IS a part of this conversation, and why you keep trying to act like Sony has nothing to do with any of this is extremely bizzare. But then again, you kind of have to to make any of the points your making.

Comparing the resources involved to make an atari/PS1 game, and what it takes to make a game in this day and age are not comparable in any reality. Apples to oranges, in every sense of the words.

I mean, I did, but you still dismissed without any kind of a constructive answer, so why would he to you, if that’s the only thing anyone can expect out of you? 

Ahh yes, dismissing him because it doesn’t fit with the narrative, right, sure. What else would you expect a Sony or MS executives to say, exactly? How is that any different?

It may be. It’s still the law there. If she went with illegal paraphanelia, that’s her own damn fault. I mean, who the hell would consciously make that decision and then be surprised that they were arrested for it?

Every fucking Sony port I’ve purchased on Steam or Epic in the past several years has been a buggy, broken, hot mess in a flaming fucking dumpster.

If there’s anyone who goes to Hostels in Europe to torture random backpackers and bathe in their blood, it’s probably Bobby Kotick.

Bethesda’s Todd Howard himself said they were relieved that Starfield was going to be only on one platform, as it reduced the headache of trying to develop for multiple platforms. Which implies, at minimum, that it is something they agree with.

I just bite into them like a cookie, which they are.

The synergy.

He said the bad words... 

This is a form of a game of chance that has existed for quite a long time.

My feelings aren’t hurt. That’s the point. I am white. You apparently are not. You can do whatever you want to do as an adult, but if you’re justifying it by claiming that a bunch of white folks use it too, it doesn’t make the argument you’re making.

I dont think it’s absurd to be outraged when someone uses a word like that on a public forum.

This is the correct take. Everyone here is the asshole, and they should all be condemned for the shit they have done to get to this point.

We all have? I mean, what person has never been insulted before? Physical violence is never the answer to a verbal insult, period. It’s part of being an adult.

And the issue that everyone has said already, is that you don’t get to escalate to physical violence in response to a verbal insult.

That’s both a hasty generalization, and a red herring. We can speculate on how many people the state of Utah has or hasn’t prosecuted for sexual abuse, but its still irrelevant to him.

Hmm, yes, this makes sense now.