Ser. Bigboote-Wiggums

Sadly, we won't. 

1000 chapters, 2000 more episodes. 

Yikes, man, the insecurity on display here is astounding. Are you going to suggest an actual pissing contest next? Maybe tell me you’re dad can beat up my dad? Good God, lol. At this point this has to be a joke.

I mean, there are some aspects that can be judged objectively, like: general jankiness, poor game design (like badly implemented UI and things like combat not being intuitive or even working properly), bugs, poor localization, deceptive and abusive gambling practices, questionable and/or inappropriate themes and story

It should obviously be 15, with a choose-your-own adventure feature that leaves 5 spots open for the next decade, and the inevitable about-face on Hearthstone and FC4.

Journey, released in 2012, a short-but-sweet indie adventure game with minimalist visuals/gameplay/story and basically zero dialogue.

You understand that Mike Lindell and Trump are not actually synonymous, right?

I dont seem to recall being, or sounding, upset in any comment to you.

Ahh, again, if you think that two tiny data points are enough to form any kind of concrete opinion on anything, you need to re-familiarize yourself with the basic tenets of the scientific method - or finish middle/high-school.

I suppose it’s possible, but unless you live in Ohio, I would say, probably not.

I mean, judging an entire group of people based off a few off-hand comments on Avclub and w/e other chat boards you frequent is a folly, at its core, anyways.

The fact that you think "anecdotal" is a big word, says more about you than it does with me, frankly. 

Likely both limitation and conscious decision, I would imagine.

The simple answer?

I used to know a Dave. He was a douchebag.

He won't. 

Most voters voted for Biden (and Hilary), so no, they don’t.

People in Asian countries have been masking when they are sick for decades. It helps.

Hey, everybody should listen to me.

The idea of the pyramids being a grain silo is so, so incredibly stupid to me.