Ser. Bigboote-Wiggums

When did Maria leave? I just figured I hadn’t heard from her in a while.

Umm, what?

It’s actually a pain in the ass to find a position in a school where your not immediately replaced by someone else in the county with seniority. It often takes years (even after the schooling and temping) for a teacher to land a stable position in a school. 

You ain't my friend, palooka. 

What would we all do without you. 

Some people forget, I suppose, that heat and flavor aren’t mutually exclusive.

Because they're delightful. 

She's not an actual vampire, as much as many, many people apparently desire her to be. 

“Speak no Evil, Hear no Evil", maybe? 

I love spicy foods, and I’ll try basically anything once. Having said that, I don’t understand drowning otherwise edible and tasty food in multitudes of sauce that tastes like it was bled out of Satan himself. I want to actually be able to taste my food.


Surely still easier to find than a RTX 3080/3090.

To be fair, it’s difficult to be wholly original anymore with basically everything being a re-hash of something else that’s already been done before.

What in the fuck is he thinking trying to fight Mayweather Jr. It's not like he has a prayer at winning, so I really do not see an upside to doing it. 

Not that I have personal experience or anything, but a solid blow to the crotch of a woman will usually drop her pretty fast, too. They're highly sensitive areas for both sexes. 

Florida: The syphillitic dick of the continental United States.

Doth protest too much.

I see what you did there. 

I assume he’s taking about China, but even in China, counterfeiting (money) hasn’t been punishable by death since 2015 (thankfully).