
I am reading gizmodo. I have been here before, too many times, but this time is different. My glance shifts hurriedly to the url. To my surprise this is not livejournal. Au contraire, this is one of those serious posts. Finley crafted words bless the screen like an orchestra's warm timbre resonating through a cool

@Andy_Anonymous: I thought the same thing. Someone yesterday posted that they called ATT and they reported nationwide outages or something. Its not even the fact that gizmodo hardly mentioned that, because, its not official yet. But to make a huge picture 'UPLOADS SUCKIER' ATT CAPPING SPEEDS. Really misleading

@tyrizzle: It looks like one of those heavy blankets you can hang in an elevator if people are moving in and out to protect the walls. lol if they taped this up in the elevator.

why are the browsers 'not ready' yet?

holy shit. I just tried voice commands for the first time ever. I said 'what time is it' and it says "calling susan angel' and starts dialing. (someone I havent talked to for years) .

A non-issue. Use the apple stickers to patch it up.

@kdupree: is this happening to your iphone? or do you not have any first hand experience to back your claims up?

@kdupree: this is the problem with the internet. the issue on the phone is nowhere near as bad as you are making it sound. you dont pick up the phone and it just stops working. the thing came out yesterday, the problem can be replicated (by some) if they specifically touch and cover and hold certain parts of the

I honestly cannot replicate this problem on my iphone.. I'm sure its happening to some, but I don't lose any bars no matter what position I hold the thing in or what parts of the antenna I cover up. I think the issue may be very exaggerated online, and handling the phone normally will not kill off the signal 99.9% of

Jesus Diaz = clown / troll

@Nathan: I am an example of someone who hacked the plist, enabled this stuff, and found performance drops.

@JosephCole: Yep, this is the guide I followed. I'm sure there will be a simpler way to jailbreak now that the official release is out, but editing the plists to enable multitasking and wallpapers will still work. Though as I said, I wasn't too into the performance.

I don't understand it, but I enabled backgrounds on my jailbroken OS4 and it honestly did run sluggish. I don't know if it was the jailbreak or the wallpapers or what, but a clean restore did fix it. I wouldn't have believed Apple unless I had seen it for myself.

Question about the multitasking features - At what point does the phone start to automatically terminate the frozen state apps? And how much of the phones resources do they actually take up? Is it insignificant?

@JosephCole: You can do it but it runs like crap. I turned multitasking on on my 3G, but its realllly slow. Honestly not worth it. There actually may be a reason Apple turned that feature off for the 3G, probably lack of ram.

I would just like to point out, previous to today, I had a jailbroken os4 GM on my 3G , I found it to be running somewhat sluggish.. Scrolling, launching apps, etc.

@Spoddy: This video was posted on youtube earlier and one of the comments said something about how this video kills his evos.

Question - I always thought 'Droid' was just the name Motorola calls their series of android phones.. But there it says 'Droid Incredible by HTC' ...

Xbox, could you kick up the 4d3d3d3?