
Looks pretty terrible in my opinion. The games look like halfass wii games. You can hardly do anything other than simple movements and gestures. The slight lag will completely ruin the experience. No thank you. I wouldn't buy this crap for 20 dollars.

first world problems.

Serious question that I've never understood about these lawsuits..

I'm not sure if I'm missing something, but their site does not list a Studio 'LX' , and the one pictured in this article is 179, not 199.

@eclair: It sounds like it will give a much higher sensitivity and control for games and perhaps location based apps.


Ive been reading a lot more Engadget lately because of all this Gizmodo bitchassery. Just saying. It's really getting annoying and I don't much respect the writers opinions anymore.

Ive been reading a lot more Engadget lately because of all this gizmodo bitchassery. Just saying. It's really getting annoying and I don't much respect the writers opinions anymore.

I've seen that polaroid app before - does anyone know what it's called? I'm not a huge fan of most of the gimmicky photo apps, but the results from this are surprisingly good.

Last two texts:

@tundraboy: I agree. I understand people's arguments, but I just don't care enough to get behind them.. In my opinion, the app store is better when it is not overflowing with bullshit apps. Apple is sending a message to developers that if they want in on the iphone, then they should make better and worthwile apps. It

Our UAV is online.

I would also like to see number 3 (backwards extension overriding), but I've found an easier way to do this than changing the command lines. Install the extension 'nightly tester tools', and then you will be able to right click any of the add-on's you have, and force enable them. Works exactly the same, only much