
Including an old favorite of mine, “Convoy”!!

If you want to see him go from funny to full-on rage in a split second, look up “What’s Wrong with Tanya?” which for my money is one of the best skits SNL ever did.

Let’s MOCSH!

And since when to starfleet ships of that era have a dozen or so shuttles a piece, plus, I dunno, fifty combat drones or whatever the hell else we were looking at?  I mean, ordinarily, 12 to 2 odds would be overwhelming, instant victory for the 12, but Discovery and Enterprise had about 20 starships worth of extra

And was I wrong, but was Pike literally just one the other side of a single door when a photo torpedo went off (that blew off the front 1/3 of the saucer), but he was fine?  Huh?

Dr. Claire: “This procedure may cause brain damage.”

I’m glad the Admiral is back on board, just so my eagerly awaited bit of dialogue can now happen:

I hope Dirk Gently gets picked up by someone because I wanted to see where his character(and all the characters honestly) were going next!

You are welcome.

At this time of year?

E. Steamed hams.

The Venture Bros. Season 7!

Two that are missing on the technicality of starting in 2017 and finishing in 2018. Meaning the missed out last year too.
Counterpart and Happy! Totally different shows linked by having truly original concepts, anchored by brilliant performances by two actors who arguably gave the two best performances as the two

call a spade a spade.



Yup it’s pretty much dead. I mean, you may see it, occasionally but ubiquitous? It no longer is. It absolutely was once. Twenty years ago, say. Now you’re most likely to see it either in somewhere that’s just wildly outdated, or somewhere so violently hipster that it’s faux-outdated.

I think I’m genuinely falling in love with Jameela Jamil. She’s clearly gorgeous, so that’s where it started, but everytime I read an interview or see a clip of her in real life she just seems more charming and fascinating. It doesn’t help that Eleanor keeps praising her so glowingly in each episode. (I know Jameela

I remember wondering when we were going to get the third in the Corner to trilogy for years before Word’s End came out. Perhaps it only became known to Americans more recently, not having the icecream? I always preferred The Three Colours Cornetto as a name, referencing Krzysztof Kieślowski’s Three Colours. That’s a

The story is in how these people reacted to the unanswered questions, just like we do in life. We don't have any answers, and maybe we never will. But it's how we all live in the face of that that is interesting.