
I don’t watch American Horror Story, so maybe I am mistaken, but don’t they do an entirely new storyline and new cast every season? I thought that is how they were getting the Limited Series classification every year, because they essentially were creating a string of mini-series connected by name and theme, but not

I can get behind that! Plus I’m all for Leslie Jones playing anyone and everyone.

I was sort of hoping they’d transition directly into having Melissa McCarthy doing Sarah Huckabee Sanders.

Well, because I’m not learning those in order. I’m learning via WaniKani, which is for English speakers learning Kanji. So I can’t directly know what levels of kanji I know in whatever you just linked (which I can read basically none of, because... I only know up to level 6 in WaniKani!). , giant English to

If you haven’t dove into Kanji too far yet, yea... it gets weird, fast. I’m only up to level 6 (which took months, and there’s 40+ levels) in WaniKani (I highly recommend it for learning Kanji!), which is ~200 kanji and an associated ~300-400 vocabulary words using those.

1 Kanji can have 2-5 different underlying

I agree that Katakana and Hiragana are rather easy once you get them down, and the increased regularity in pronunciation is a nice change from English. But learning only those wouldn’t make you fluent in written communication for Japanese, you still need to learn all the kanji since any writing out of Japan is going

Very first line of the song: “Annie’s twelve years old in two more she’ll be a whore, nobody ever told her it’s the wrong way” 

Last Christmas.
All versions. I looked up the lyrics and it appears to have more lyrics than the two lines that repeat for the majority of it, but damned if I can ever recall hearing those. It seems most covers of it just repeat the chorus for 10-25 minutes (I’m estimating here based on memory. Entirely possible most

Two songs you might be thinking of? ‘Wrong Way’, which was a very popular single, about a 12 year old girl and is very creepy (loosely, the protagonist saves a 12 (0r 14) year old girl from a life of prostitution by... dating her himself?). And then there’s Mary, which was not a single that I am aware of, but is as if

Back in high school, my driver’s ed teacher took the student driver car over to the town garage (as in, DPW garage) to fill it up with gas (why he was allowed to do this I don’t know). The town garage has gas pumps, diesel pumps and... kerosene pumps. He filled the car with kerosene.

I don’t know what happened after.

Azerbaijan is one of the five countries on the Caspian sea though, so that answer wasn’t horrible. It is a very long ways off from the Persian Gulf... so not a great one either.

It’d be really hard to get our naval ships into the Caspian Sea. What with all the land around it it. It isn’t connected to the oceans... you’d have to drive the carriers and battleships and such across Iran, or Russia, or maybe Pakistan->Afghanistan->Turkmenistan? Caspian Sea is by most definitions just a really,

Yeah, I always assumed that was the only reason she was on the show, and that the constant comparison made in show “oh that looks like a Marchesa!” were entirely because of her relationship with Harvey. I’m likewise assume with zero basis that Harvey was gunning to have her be on the main show but Heidi and Tim

Yea, I’m still watching (so haven’t watched the above video yet), but Jaden’s voice is making it tough to sit through.

From the article above: “Included almost as an aside in NPR’s recap of Ramona fever is the tiny detail that Ramona is not, in fact, a cat, but rather a human who was interacting with a cat. Nobody ever said something needed to be real to go viral.” 

Yikes, so not only a pretty crap system all around, but a super expensive one. Thanks for the explanation and details!

Thanks for clarifying, yeah that’s a pretty shit system. Unsurprising, shit system seems to well describe our overall immigration system.

That doesn’t answer my question though. It was a sincere one. I had the obviously mistaken impression that marrying a US citizen grants residency status in our country, as a matter of law (“marrying for the green card!” and all that). It clearly doesn’t, or has some additional stipulations that weren’t hit in this

Excuse my ignorance, but can anyone explain why his being married to a US Citizen does not grant him the right to live here? Something about the order of things, and not filling out the proper paper work and/or being here without a visa prior to the marriage? It boggles my mind that someone married to a citizen can be

My single favorite high school team mascot ever is Potsdam, NY’s. Small college town practically on the Canadian border. They’ve really embraced the “Pot” part of Potsdam. The town’s chamber of commerce website used to be PotsdamGood (Pots Damn Good), though someone seems to have wised up and taken that down.
