Kemper Boyd

I just want to say how awesome it is that you can hold your own in a conversation about Mandy Patinkin. Awesome. Awesome to the max.

Evidently Dustin Hoffman was the inspiration for Danny DeVito's character in "Get Shorty" which I find hilarious.

From the interview I saw, it seemed like the reason for him being soooo hard to work with comes from him wanting to be great at his craft. It didn't appear that he was being a dick just because he could, but because he's such a perfectionist.

Also who could forget his star turn as Ronnie Dobbs.

Mandy Patinkin is a really fascinating guy. His hasty departure from Criminal Minds was pretty well covered and I saw a piece on CBS Sunday Morning where he pretty much copped to being an extremely difficult guy to work with. He seems to feel very very bad about how he handled that situation. Very rare to see

Now playing

I've listened to this Dinosaur Jr. song probably at least 2,000 times by now and somehow the guitar solo gets better every single time: