
In fairness the ant probably dies a lonely death out at sea

So only poor minorities should oppose oppression?

To cover up something worse that happened . I can’t claim he had no reason to lie until all is known. Seeing as they were apparently blitzed out of their minds, I doubt they can help investigators, would be nice if they could find the cabbie driver.

Every characteristic about Trump that you mention, can be said about every politician post 1960.

I love it how the comments are all about rape for a case were rape is not being considered. Nobody is getting charged with rape, nobody is looking to charge anyone with rape, he'll the parents and the organization that caring for this girl are not even looking to have the boys charged with rape.

I read the news article, and saw the news report nothing is even hinting at anyone seeking statutory rape charges. The news article even states that the family of the girl is not looking to press statutory rape charges.

How would you go about charging them. She claims she consented. No one involved was of legal age to consent. Her parents and the organization refuse to seek charges on the boys, and you are stuck with the problem of charging a minor with statutory rape which is almost impossible. Also it is still not known the age of

Why are you so sure they knew about her past? She was relatively new to the school so I don't see how they would know unless she was telling people, or the school staff told people. I think it is highly likely that they may not have known about her past.

If she consented , if she requested sex, and if some of the boys were younger than her would that change things?

If everyone involved was minor that could not legally consent to the sex act how do you determine who is guilty of statutory rape? What if one of the boys she was with was younger, would that change things?

If two minors have sex, and neither one can legally consent to sex. How do you determine who is guilty of statutory rape? Not trying to be a dick seriously curious how would you deal with this issue. Since is what you want is legal charges brought against the boys you would have to provide a rational response to this

If she uses the word rape it's slander since no evidence has come out claiming rape. It can't even be considered statutory rape since none of the parties involved were of legal age to consent. I don't think you can charge a minor with statutory rape