
I love the blog view. i still don't understand the new redsigned view structure of gizmodo and i'm good with tech stuff.

foodspotting app is awesome. i use it daily.

front wheel drive might be the reason since the car is in side swiping motion.

Tom Leykis has been teaching this to men for years... Be an asshole and you get the chicks. Leykis 101!!!

I saw in the Apple Store the iPad 2 refurbished for $350. It says originally released March 2011. Would this be the 2.4 iPad with the better battery life? Probably not right?

that was a cool video editing and music... nice work.

when i heard this i didn't think it would work but after seeing that picture, i see the resemblance.. not a terrible choice.

that makes sense. but I think Nokia and Microsoft better come up with a plan to sell lot of these for low price. I have investment in Nokia so I want them to succeed!!

i thought Steve Ballmer laughed at Apple in 2007 for making the iPhone too expensive...

in natural selection, it's suggesting that the small amount of mutated horses with stripes survived the evolution chain from less diseases.

That makes sense since I believe "pop" is originally a Canadian thing and You're near Canada. People in Michigan always call it "pop"

you said "pop" instead of "soda"! you must be from midwest (michigan) like me or from Canada...

i use flipboard mostly for twitter, facebook, and instagram. it's awesome.

Genius... I hate it when I say to myself, "Why didn't I think of that?!"

hahaha... perfect description of white castles... I live right by one and it's about every 2 months, i get the crave.

I work in advertising and we just had a meeting about this... how no one uses them and it will go away.

it doesn't work because playing cards shouldn't be right side up. It has to work to be the same upside down. Imagine how annoying it would be to keep having to rotate it while playing. 6 & 9 would mess up lot of poker games.

well said... and so true.

haha. can your wife answers your questions as fast as Siri?

most reviews I read today actually praised the Fire more then bashing. Technoblog, Gizmodo, and Engadget all said it was a great tablet for $199.