
just keep it and use it as a digital picture frame...

one for the master bathroom... the other for the other bathroom. both are perfect for #2.

i can't figure this out. When they review the IPad 2, I see ton of comments on here ripping it apart. When they review Galaxy Tab. I see comments from people ripping that apart. The playbook review, the same thing. Now Amazon Fire, and I see people commenting negative things on it.

so true. my friend keeps telling me how amazing his EVO is and he bought 2 extra batteries for it. That thing doesn't last 6 hours. All smart phones sucks for battery life.

Amazon is doing a great job of becoming a very trusting brand. Amazon and Apple has similar philosophy of great customer service, great products, and make lot of money. Microsoft & Google needs to step it up.

i really like amazon's customer reviews as well. that reminds me that i should be adding my own reviews on there to help others.

I was just about to say that it needs a car blocking rails around it...

it's because it has no access to diet cokes & cigarettes!

True... Pulp Fiction was the best of them all!

I'm glad I pre-ordered the Kindle Fire. There are few Brands that I trust and love and that's Apple and Amazon. They both are doing a great job of customer service and great products. Now with my MacBook Air, Kindle Fire, and iPhone 4, I am all set!

people interacting with people and not through social media?! absurd!!

sweet! finally! hope it works well! Thanks!

why does google hate preview pane so much?! Yahoo, Hotmail, Outlook, Apple Mail all use the preview pane... all except Gmail!!!

perfect for my cheech and chong halloween costume!

i would do the same if i was that rich! i hate waiting in line at the DMV!

people with only one hand just got pissed.

I won't say if it was a good or bad device or not because I never even held one in my hand before. I don't know too much about it. I have used Zen player before and the interface was terrible.

what is this Zune thing you people speak of? ;)

didn't Ballmer laughed at the prices of the iPhone when it first came out?! If this phone is more expensive then the iPhone in the US, he will show why he might be the worst CEO of all time.

You can get a battery replaced for cheap and easily do it yourself. My battery depleted as well. I actually have my iPod Mini in my car connected to my stereo so I don't have to use the iPhone. I love that these old gadgets still have use.