Also, isn't that a bit of an unfair criticism of a 30 year old film. Wishing the ending of a film was different *then* because you're sick of rom-co.s *now*.
Also, isn't that a bit of an unfair criticism of a 30 year old film. Wishing the ending of a film was different *then* because you're sick of rom-co.s *now*.
Watck Korean rom-coms. Boy meets girl, boy gets together with girl, boy gets shot dead inadvertently in bungled shootout halfway through film ...
Nope, can’t agree. The entire point of a rom com is that it’s got a happy ending with nice people finding love. These two people were cranky, picky, mansplaining,neurotic poutypantses who helped make each other better! That’s a GOOD thing! They didn’t lose all their quirks, they found the person who made those quirks…
I’m Ben Small, of the Coney Island Smalls.
+1 I’m Ben Small, if the Coney Island Small’s.
All Rom/coms? There are some delightful ones: Bringing up Baby, My Girl Friday, The Philadelphia Story, Clueless, My Man Godfrey, Bull Durham, The Lady Eve, It Happened One Night. Harold and Maude and Roman Holiday are great ones that don’t fit the formula.
That was my thought. There are thousands of movies which show a relationship not working out (most of the most famous films of all time in fact)- but the vast majority of them aren’t comedies, because it’s hard to make that movie work. You have to have two appealing people who have enough zing together that they make…
Yeah, take a movie from 30 years ago—different time, style and sensibility—and let’s flip it around and turn it into some dreary downer because someone is feeling too proud to partake of the Pecan Pieeeeeee. Get out. Depart. Go pick on a Michael Bay film or something.
There already are plenty of movies like this. Here’s a great and underrated one: Wild Horses. A couple of the others are by a certain filmmaker I’m trying very hard to forget. It’s almost a formula that heroic action movies go badly for the hero in the romance department.
In my (admittedly jaded and bitter) head, this ending was perfect. And the reason I now look for different endings in rom-coms is partially because I am satisfied by this love story (and a few others) and don’t need to see it hashed out & watered down over and over by less interesting characters, writers, actors,…
If they hadn’t gotten together then there would have been no reason to add those adorable couples and their “how we got together” stories to the movie, and then I wouldn’t know to say “I knew the way you know about a good melon” at random times in my life- and obviously always when I am choosing a melon.
I’m so tired of happy rom-coms I could scream!
It was already practically a remake of Annie Hall, and that would have made it just... Annie Hall. It would’ve been derivative. It’s actually the better choice to have them get together, in my opinion.
Normally I’d agree but I think the ending is perfect. One of the few romantic speeches I actually find romantic. And having them be the final couple in those vignettes made perfect sense.
better yet, go hang with Barack & Michelle instead. :)
What a team really needs to do is accept the invitation to the WH as if everything is normal and then just never show up. Stand up that fucking guy. Way more of an own than saying in advance that you’re not going.
Huh .