
[x] Realising he was in fact not an alpha male
[x] The arrest of his steroid dealer
[x] Learning that the ever-changing lineup of uncles who visit ma are not blood relatives
[ ] Having to repeat 8th grade. Three times.

There's an easy enough fix for the draws. Have the men draw buffs from one basket and the women another. Yet, these huge imbalances don't bother me too much. In the game a castaway has to deal all variables, power disparity being just one. I like that the weaker tribe voted out its physically strongest player. I

LOL you thinking Joaquin is rich. He's Rodney in a poorly cut suit.

I think that water needn't be reboiled. I'd toss it and go get another pot full after steriising it.

After the soak toss the water. Put the pot in the fire or put hot coals in it. Fire sterilizes. Mission accomplished. Everyone gets HPV.

Don't write off Martha's value just yet. Sure, she could flip on Phil/Clark. But it's also possible she may fear the consequences of confessing. Having a well-placed asset in the FBI is not something burned easily. The KGB exploited Larrick and he certainly wasn't an ideological ally nor was he hoodwinked by emotion.

Starved rats in one half of a bisected cage. In the other half… something of you. That noise. Bruxing. Huffing. Slowly the wire mesh is lifted.

Love the show. Just don't know how it will be back for another season. Shulman & Associates has no patients. Not. A. One. For months now. And that old fella they hired has done nothing to right this listing ship. "Thanks for showing up at the office today, you've really made a difference, Alan." The practice isn't

That was one helluva fire. Nice to see the evacuation was orderly. See, folks do learn things in school.

I was thinking about that too. To rent a 14x48 billboard in Albuquerque is $1200 per month. I don't know if you can do so for a day. A bespoke suit is $3000 - $6000 and takes up to 90 hours to make. Jimmy was in a rush, so he may have had to pay a bit more. Add shirt and tie for another $400. I reckon he would have

The inner turmoil of, "Must not click link. Resist," must've been gut wrenching.

There's no messing around once "Okay, everyone, lights out," at the Kettleman's house is said. For a moment I thought Mike cut their power.

Time is invisible mind dust, and seconds are but wishes.

Correct. Our seasons are usually 4 episodes. We can only dream of six.

Buckley should have been named Elefterous.

A six-episode season?!? Who does Netflix think it is? The BBC?

Your nation's big-city tap water is delicious. I very much liked Chicago's.

Gum + blemish. You see 'em all over the pavement. I expected the see streets paved with gold; what I found were streets paved by Bazooka Joe.

Can't speak of 1998, but as a more-recent visitor to the US I was struck by how many people carry bottles of water and coffee cups. I was also struck by all the glemishes on the pavement.

Banshee's run-off-the-mill residents launch online petition asking ISIS to set up shop in their once peaceful, rural community so as to restore some semblance of tranquility and order.