
Hahaha. Mrs. Former Grand Wizard with a swastika carved in her forehead like Chuck Manson. Or was it female Indian-reservation cop?

It's to further set up Kai and Hood's showdown. "I couldn't be at my dying mutter's bedside because of you."

Wasn't questioning their competence. Was questioning your certainty. They sure did out kill the enemy, and the assessment is fine, but that wasn't the mission, and they weren't kitted out for a prolonged battle. Their mission was to capture a handful of skinnies; grab and go. More than a dozen were lost. Not SEALs by

At what point does an "occupying force" become "victor ever after"?

I don't know whether it was a 6 or some other number, but a large group of SEALs took a solid thumping in Mogadishu attempting a capture a warlord.

I still fancy Rebecca. DA Alison Medding is quite hot. But the finest of the gaggle was Nola.

And the old blackfella who tends bar. Pals around with the Korean ladyboy.

Electronic warfare, of course.

Maybe there's a shuttered Hummer or Saab dealership down the road.

They don't make Indian warriors and chiefs like they used to. What a poorly planned and ham-fisted assault.

RIP, Siobhan. :'(

You forget the other black woman, Whatshername.

My holy tribe versus your evil one… to the death. Primal doesn't do nuance.

Sadly for us, the ease of Totino's heat-and-serve has taken away much of the joy women used to get by actually making real homemade pizza puffs from scratch. If she'd devote her effort to making real food there'd be less time for her to bother "her guys" watching the big game. Fer crissakes, if we're going to spend

Nice of you to show up for work, Alma.

I like how he can compartmentalise.

Nasim Pedrad isn't Asian? Fred Armisen is part Japanese. I believe Rob Schneider is part Filipino.

South of I-80 is really an odd place.