
For most of this, then why are they available on iTunes?

Skip isn't stupid, but he isn't a licensed contractor and he often got California codes wrong. (I know the age of these comments, but just in case anyone ever comes back to check on the lawsuit.)

If you look at the lawsuit, the guy filed all the proper work - a problem was flagged on the engineering side during inspection, so he was getting a licensed engineer to fix it but the family moved in and kicked him off the project without getting the engineer in. The actual work dates were a couple of months. The

I felt the same way about Sugar Ray. Sure, Fly or Every Morning was catchy and pop, but man - Breathe and RPM were pretty rock and good.

The level of heroin in his system was judged to be an enormous dose for SEVENTY regular men. In a serious drug addicts case, in the worst documented (which he wasn't, he was an addict, but he was never known to be sloppy or so addled he was incapacitated), it was still three times the lethal dose needed to kill the

Sexism? Have you not heard of Ike Turner? Media has been going after men for AGES. In fact, part of what makes this so human interest to the lay person is the fact it's a woman being accused, much like the fascination with Aileen Wuornos. Outside of Courtney and Yoko, name another woman who reviled for a music

The point is, there isn't any school-wide discussions, so you are arguing this as if it's more than a connectivity issue among students, which will - invariably - disconnect some. Duke themselves hold the stance it's about giving students a common ground. It's like recommending men read a book about menstruation

Fair enough, IF that was the intention - to discuss pop culture, to do something with it. It's not. It's a "YAY, READ ME!" piece that serves no purpose for recommended reading for coming into college, merely to serve as PC-satisfaction. Naked in the Promised Land is so much better, has the same themes, and provides

While I don't necessarily agree with the reasoning of these folks, the fact that something is popular doesn't make it automatically great. Even Aqua' had a one-hit wonder. It's really is full of junk and rather incoherent and is the 50 Shades of autobiographies. This is coming from someone who really enjoyed Anne

So you bring up a decade old scandal that was proven false, when someone tells you how wrong you are, you block them out? Seems a bit hypocritical for this topic…

And what's more, if you really believe you are right, you will never learn how to defend your position coherently in a leadership setting.

I have a bit of experience with both and batty speaks the truth, actually. There is a mild undercurrent gaining steam about making sure all texts (whether a "tragicomic" or text book) don't use pork products as examples so there is no offense of Muslims and "isolating them" or "forcing them to do homework that goes

Well, it is "fake" rape reports when the media reports the findings of a study that nearly all women are sexually assaulted and raped.