SEO Dim Sum

Woah, that's actually a great point!

Well, we have zero insight on the relationship we had with her father, so we can't really say if her father left her with anything or not. Also, we can confirm that Holloway was her maiden name, and not from the first marriage, because we know that her mother's name is Gail Holloway.

Looks like this bullet point was edited… good job catching that quickly. Great write-up, btw!

That might be true (just looked it up, and you're right, it was to a man named "Scotty")… BUT her mother's name is Gail Holloway, which would lead me to presume she never took Scotty's last name.

You state "So Joan still ends up using two names, both her own—and both proudly taken from men who left her little else" but that's incorrect, as Holloway was her maiden last name.

Actually, in the video for "Perfect Kiss" that's an actual live performance of the song, not miming. Listen to it again and compare the recording to the audio from the single.