
The comparison to Lesnar is bull. Lesnar jumped in and fought people, his first fight in the UFC was against former champ Frank Mir. Punk is going to be making his debut fight in the ufc against an opponent who is maybe 1-0, or 1-1.

This was a fun episode. It’s sad to see all the butt-hurt already spewing over it.

She didn’t follow the two acceptable criteria for groin kicking: it has to be your purse AND you don’t know them

I’m referring to Huey and using Hal as evidence I guess? And I think it was intentionally meta.

Just moments man. The game still has to serve its own story. The characters are themselves. It’d be silly to assume that there’s none of him or his struggles represented in his art. His games are always a commentary on something. Guantanamo Bay in GZ. Digital censorship, sequel syndrome, and information control in 2.

The story and how it falls apart kind of mirrors what was happening to Kojima Productions.

He’s no Hal, that’s for damn sure. But really, no one can top Solid Snake’s otaku boyfriend.

It’s almost as if the entire Star Wars series is based on traditional story tropes and archetypes that are hundreds if not thousands of years old. Who would have thought!

i’m infinity percent pro choice, but once the fetus is out and if it is alive, then yeah, they should treat the baby like any other premature baby—now some parents can choose for a very ill/injured/etc baby to receive only palliative care after birth, but for whatever reason, the baby was deemed able to survive out of

Not a doctor, but if I’m not mistaken if a fetus/baby is born alive (breathing) it is a viable human with the same rights as you and me. I believe that’s the same deal in all 50 states Tennessee’s backwards bullshit made it all the worse, what with restrictive, cost prohibitive legislation but thems the rules.

you’re lucky that he can’t read this.

I slightly agree, facts before mobs. However more women are coming forward with Stoya and agree that the man is a dickbag. Stoya is brave enough to stand up and tell the truth and more women are coming forward, that is shedding some light on a man who’s only wearing masks.

I get it. We are not juries; we don’t need to decide right this moment. We can wait and watch and reserve our reactions for for some other time. We can extend symapthy for Stoya and deal with it later if new information arises. We can be kind now, and that is what matters.

I completely agree, but I’d point out that neither of us is disagreeing with feminists on this (I suppose I’m one myself). It’s not feminists keeping this game out of the US, it’s the developer, who assumes it would not sell well. The blame is being put on feminists, and that’s what bugs me here. There’s already a lot

So female Link being an option is not okay, but a separate character (which Linkle is) being an option is okay. Seems like splitting hairs to be honest.

he’d be the resulting product “if Ed Hardy fucked a juggalo.”

Till all are swole.

No, its because you’re NOT looking at it through fan boy goggles lol.

If there is much it’s a subtle difference, but don’t worry, someone who gives a shit about frame rates has something to say.