
6’7” here. We could 69, no problem.

Gas, he would gas very very quickly. The amount of muscle he has requires a lot of oxygen. It gets worse when you have to support someone else’s weight or try to keep up with someone much quicker.

I would gladly give The Mountain six months to a year of BJ’s.... Wait.... What?

wait, hasn’t the world already decided that Chris Brown is a piece of shit?

He’s on the brute squad...

Not true at all. Watch the old UFC events. No weight classes so you had many David V Goliath type matches. Technique won over strength every time.

Apparently not since McGregor won!

The fighting experts will be here very soon to inform us all who would win in a real fight, and how little we know about fighting.

Really?? I think they're hideous.

Grappling is definitely a hard sell, until you do it. Which is kind of why it’s such a hard sell! I actually started Judo because I was taking Aikido and the school had a Judo class as well. On Tuesday nights, it was before my Aikido class. I went in there, felt the heat, smelled the sweat, and saw the rolling.

I took Daito-Ryu and KoKoDo for the same reason. The artistry and beauty of the techniques were their own reward. If at some point I got good enough to actually apply them? Awesome. But I’m not out there looking for fights so I can enjoy the arts for what they are.

I’ve practiced Judo, Applied Wing Chun, Daito-Ryu Kodokai Aikijujutsu, Kamishin-Ryu Jujutsu, and KoKoDo jujutsu in the last few years (I’ve moved a lot, good teachers in one specific art are generally hard to come by when that’s the case.)

Judo is my most recent art (and the one I’ve spent the least time in), but I

Point Sparing can give someone some horrible habits.

I think the quality of Krav Maga depends a lot on the individual school. There’s a lot of variance, which is never great, but some schools do bring a lot of effective technique to the table, spar hard, and focus on the intangibles of a violent situation in a way that ring sports generally don’t. I do believe that

I think this has a lot to do with Judo being played as a sport for so long. I know it was sometimes sold as a self-defense method, but with arts like Karate and various Chinese styles billing themselves as ancient, deadly arts, Judo likely didn’t have the same luster to it.

Overall I agree with you that a mixture of point and full-contact is necessary for weapon work. There are some interesting alternatives, like the shock knife some use to force students to respect the blade in knife fighting and knife defense classes.

That’s just the dumbest reason ever to hate a videogame character, not to mention that the one deserving of a slap is your “friend” for being a sexist prick.

Invading Turkish airspace or getting involved in Mid-East wars is not “leading”. Making peaceful agreements is indeed leading. Putin is like a child desperate for attention and not getting any. His moves are theater for domestic consumption and wish fulfillment rather than moves designed to bolster his country. Ask

I love how all you rightwing morons think that not starting wars every few weeks is a lack of leadership.

Especially stuff like BJJ is somewhat easy to get into