What you mean to say is, you've turned into the view of adulthood that you believe would be agreeable to your parents and the values they were brought up on. You did not grow up, you simply became boring and cynical.
What you mean to say is, you've turned into the view of adulthood that you believe would be agreeable to your parents and the values they were brought up on. You did not grow up, you simply became boring and cynical.
I love that you left this comment on the COSPLAY Gawker group.
Pastrami on rye?! That’s yankee food!
Because she not just dressing up, she dressing up as a character in a video game.
lols, because the difference is?
Somewhat trolling comment:
I'm not even a Dragon Ball Z fan, but for some reason I love that Ronda Rousey is.
"It's the social justice Avengers! Why not a team of Marvel's most popular characters?"
"OK, that would be Miles Morales, Ms. Marvel, the current Thor, Iron Man, Nova, and The Vision."
I'm seeing a lot of butt hurt comics fans pissed the team isn't as white and male to their liking. Real clever calling it social justice avengers guy.
Where are the male rapes? Man-man or woman-man. That's really my only "problem." If you're going to show it, show all possibilities.
Some of you guys really need to step back and recognize that Jeremy Clarkson is a TV personality, a guy you see in a TV show. He's not your friend or your co-worker and you don't know him. Stop with this "he's cast as an asshole but he's not a diva" stuff or suggesting it was the producer's fault because "he's not…
Ah of course, Darth Realistically — the most down-to-earth Sith Lord there ever was.
What's he gonna do, not shake the man's hand. Dude's a Nazi.
Clearly if you say I'm wrong on an internet forum, well by golly your "30 years of experience" must trump mine.
"It's why I hate Anita so much."
In the article, you'll see that she compared the range of body types of the male and female characters in Overwatch. Her assessment was that the male characters get a broader range of bodies. That's just one game, though, so there's room to explore this further.
"Mongoloid" is an old name for Down's Syndrome. So, you're defending yourself against being called a racist by saying you were just calling someone a "retard" - well done!
It's an old term for a person with Down's syndrome - so pretty much the same thing as insulting someone by calling them a "retard".