For FUCKS sake, assholes. "I don't like your coworker, so I've decided you shouldn't get paid." THATS LOGIC.
For FUCKS sake, assholes. "I don't like your coworker, so I've decided you shouldn't get paid." THATS LOGIC.
"I like your Christ. I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ."
"Blessed are those who mourn for they will be comforted..."
That whole "love thy neighbor" thing? You're doing it wrong.
JWP. (Jesus would puke).
I can't imagine the devastation her friends, family, and children felt.
We'll take the drug dealers, the gangbangers, the wife beaters, drunks, and adulterers. But ladysex, that's unforgivable.
Luke 6:36 Be you therefore merciful, as your Father also is merciful.
God would be so proud of the churches raging homophobia.
Yea, but I think that's what Kojima was going for this time around. Not to defend the lack of stealth gameplay in this one, but apparently he made it so that you weren't forced to play the game stealthily, he added the choice of just running and gunning it too...
I do understand what you mean though, MGS1 was played…
Who here read the headline and thought they meant the first MGS? Disappoint.
Just look at it. That is the cheeriest strut I have ever seen in an action figure.
How in the name of sweet baby Jesus did this emerge from the grays?
"Had to hit the game winner at the gym today."
What they looked like isn't what was wrong with those films.
If Ellie had kids I would think they would have the immunity in their blood. So Last of Us 2: A New Hope?
9/10 almost got me troll of the year