
I'll never understand why people still cling onto the "enemies don't notice allied NPC's" argument. Doing that would have made a good game irredeemably frustrating to play.

Dear holy Odin's incontinent pet goat, would you please sneak some punctuations in there or something?

Aha, that makes sense. One can see the future all day long, but being fast enough to take advantage of it in a fight is a whole other story. Regardless, I would think Batman would be wise enough not to confront Vader in face to face fight without a significant trick up his sleeve to neutralize Vader powers.

One question: don't you need to be Force-sensitive to wield a lightsaber? Of course, a man of Batman's means could just buy a transfusion of midichlorians or something, if some convenient plot point doesn't already make him a latent Force wielder.

While I don't disagree with the ending, I think Batman would have outsmarted Vader and steered the fight to somehow opening Superman's cell. Anakin wasn't the smartest bulb in the box.

As a martial artist in an art that includes groin strikes (and owner of a pair of balls), I am all for this in a self defence situation. However, I've seen some "self defence instructors" (really instructors of some sport art, that think running a women's self defence class will make them some money) teach what I


Just making sure, you're aware that HK is available as a companion now, right?