Sentient Meat

Picker needed to die, if only for calling Tim "scrawny" and "rat-faced."

This is the spin-off that the world needs.

Joelle Carter is a fine actress, but I cannot make myself care about her story line at all, especially when it takes up time that could be spent with Tim. Speaking of, since we have no idea what he's been up to, I've decided that he and Jimmy are having a torrid affair.

I thought it might have something to do with rug burn.

I wonder if he'd convinced himself that's what Richie meant to make his cheating on him less reprehensible.

Just watched it again. The break-up scene at the end, with Richie telling Patrick how he tried to make it work because he liked him so much, without knowing that Patrick had just had Kevin all over (and in) him made me so sad and angry and a little sick to my stomach.

God, I always defended Patrick as just a socially inept but basically good person. Now I want to kick him in the nut sack.