This list shows serious disrespect to wins no. 69, 420, and 666
This list shows serious disrespect to wins no. 69, 420, and 666
In the end A.J. really did ruin Deadspin, just in a much more roundabout manner.
BIGGEREST SWERVE: The power couple Rory and Paris are planning their wedding now that it’s legal and that’s why everyone is back in town.
Only an asshole would complain about shortcuts and say U instead of YOU.
Straight Up.
Maybe PewDiePie should review his own shit game that was worse.
Stop! That’s My Wife! is Peyton Manning’s erotic rebuttal to Al Jazeera
You can glean this from the TV advertising, but it really stood out to me when the NFL draft was held last year not far from where I live in Chicago: the NFL has this thing where they can’t just smile and acknowledge that they’re the most popular sport in America; they have to have MORE. It’s like they want to bully…
I can believe that if the 2003 internet was going to share one thing and one thing only, it would be an ASCII version of the matrix.
JIM TOMUSLA: I don’t get it. Everything seem to be going great. Now I”ve lost my job, my wife is thinking about leaving me, I’m living out of a car AGAIN. What happened? It’s like there’s a grand schemer systematically destroying my life.
as a woman, I now have to admit that I am truly scared of their bullpen. #AroldisChapman
Okafor: Holy crap, is this going to be an 81 point situation?
My 90-year old grandfather still goes to the gym five days a week. In his case, it’s inspiring and sweet because he’s trying to maintain whatever health he can. And he has no delusions about being a body builder or athlete.
This will be Kobe Bryant’s final season. He announced it yesterday, and the news made me think, instantly, of…
Hello no haters please and thank you
Though widely ripped in the media, the bearded man remained defiant, citing evidence from the NBA that throwing beer on players manifests mettā world peace.
In Australia, when you flush a toilet, the water drains counter clockwise and then you are assaulted by a gang of racist kangaroos who have poisonous fangs and are very very high on distilled rock toad skin.
When he dunks, does he yell out “THESE ARE MY READERS!!!!!”?
Are you my girlfriend?
In fact, the Colts beat the Falcons xx-xx today.