
Perhaps sequoia pines can only be found in Latvia, Alabama, where Bazingas and DeMarcus grew up hooping together in the shadow of Yellowstone’s Mount Everest.

But a deregulated environment leads to greater economic opportunity and-

I would love to talk with someone that thinks Star Wars isn’t Sci Fi.

Bad Boyz II was awesome.

Whats left of my family still argue over who gets the most right-wing

I found “I got what they were saying about the Miliray Industial Complex” to be excellent.

Not a fan of black and white movies.

Space + Guns = Sci Fi

Point Break is basically Bad Boyz II in reverse. I never got why he just had to surf that last wave. I mean he definitely died.

But I don’t think it’s cool-dumb like Zoolander or Tropic Thunder, I think it’s dumb-dumb like Point Break or Pulp Fiction.

Well I don’t know about that. I just know I love Sci Fi and think this movie is bullshit.

I love Sci Fi but I don’t like Starship Troopers.

...a five-person group led by a German citizen...

Technically, I don’t think “go fuck yourself” is marriage advice per se....

Rex Ryan: Oh we can give marriage advice at these things? Well—

He’ll reportedly be replaced on a interim basis by assistant coach J.B. Bickerstaff.

But he can step off making fun of Ina Garten. That woman is a damned good cook, and her recipes always work. You know if you’re using something she wrote, it has been tested to within an inch of its life and the results are reproducible. Sure, she’s privileged, but she owns it and she is good at what she does.

Because men don’t see the emotional work. Women are socialized from birth to recognize and respond to it. Men are not. The effort to bring men up to speed is exhausting. You talk and talk and talk until you’re blue in the face, hoping for one *aha* moment, and when it happens, they expect a freaking trophy because

To do that, you would have to serve that it needs to be done, and figure out how to say it—>just the kind of thing you are saying you won't do. It's a catch-22