Depression ain’t no joke, y’all. Seek help.
Depression ain’t no joke, y’all. Seek help.
dude, you make a great initial point about his dad, and it’s good that you defended American Indians against a moron jokester, but good lord there is nothing more annoying than people bitching about being gray.
Oh, Jesus. So when ESPN retaliates and finds someone at Amazon willing to be bought, are we all going to know what kind of sex toys Deadspin employees prefer?
“we found that fully 20% of identifiable ESPN signups came from women.”
Someone should do something about Muslim Germany.
This comment shows a lot of heart and I love a lot of what you did here, but everything takes a back seat to the capitalization of “Bloody Sock.” Bravo, sir. Bravo.
Keith Law just got suspended for blinking maliciously in the direction of Schilling’s tweet.
He was on the radio in Philadelphia last week complaining about participation trophies for kids.
Keith Law just got suspended for pointing out that Schilling used the passive voice.
Oh my god! Why didn’t he include that part?! That seems like really important information!
What country is the name Schilling from? WHAT ARE YOU HIDING, CURT?
How’d it go?? It went terrible! They did the Holocaust!!
It’s almost as if Klemko is a person to whom blame is deliberately and falsely attributed in order to deflect blame from another party, such as the NFL. Is there a word for such a.... guy?
This was before Sen. Mitch McConnell explained that bribery is actually "free speech."
The truly American thing would be to charge for ketchup but give your richer customers loopholes to pay much less for it.
The Man and His Daughter Walk Away, Hopefully Forever
I thought that too, but who gets so much pleasure from fucking with McD’s employees that they’re willing to spend hundreds of dollars and an hour of their time in the service of a prank? If no one is actually going to eat all that food, and it was just a prank, well...that’s commitment.
The comment about “breaking the restaurant” makes me think they did it on purpose to cause trouble, not because they actually had people waiting for those burgers.
Mann explains the moment he realized he wasn’t pulling his weight around the house or with his son, Jupiter