
Does that headline really say DIY bread?

Does that headline really say DIY bread?

there’s never a bad time for supreme court humor imo

Curt Schilling is a piece of shit, but that was kinda menschy what he said about Mendoza.

you don’t fall outside Greg’s sensible parameters then

We can do both. We can improve society and build better mental health resources, and build a society that is more caring about mental health issues, and also at the same time take obvious actions to limit peoples’ ability to get their hands on tools that make them enormously more deadly than they would otherwise be.

There’s a really good and simple reason that the Second Amendment is in the Bill of Rights.

counterpoint: another equally accurate description is “baseball with four times as much opportunties for drinking beer”

It’s not even like saying Ichiro sucked because he didn’t hit as well as Ted Williams! It’s much stupider than that, because Bradman is comparatively much better than Ted Williams. There’s literally no analogy for how stupid it is. It’s basically like saying the standard for a decent batter is outperforming Williams.

Cricket is ridiculously easy to understand if you know baseball

Most of these I can write off as the customers involved just being insane people.

In Ukraine. They might be able to beat us in Ukraine.

Or, indeed, some people have been better at talking to other people

I don’t know. Like, I don’t really feel like I can say for sure that there’s no one in the world who needs to hear these things.

Yeah, no, I appreciate that it can be a difficult thing to learn. People are weird and dealing with other people is difficult. It’s just a bummer. It’s a bummer for everyone.

I’m not sure exactly what you got from my post, but I definitely don’t think it’s a generational thing

It’s really sad that there has to be an article about how to have a sincere conversation with another human being

Soccer has finally made it in America!

for the good of society we must eliminate this scourge

2015 America looks back at 60s America and just laughs

what the fuck is wrong with you