
As I’m reading this, Arenas is actually angry at Lebron not playing more selfishly because he (Lebron) wants to play in a way that helps his team win. Arenas wants to see Lebron go nuts even if that means that he wins less rings.

This is a really good, thoughtful article.

this is legitimately the most beautifully insane, stupid comment that I’ve ever seen on the Internet

It’s gone from sympathetic and unfortunate to extremely frustrating, following the Kings with any degree of sympathy (not sure I’d feel justified calling myself a fan, but I really want them to be good). They just can’t get out of their own fucking way. Anything good that happens, Vivek gets the shakes or something

So, if I’m reading those lists right, it kind of seems that people of both genders are generally more happy if they’re the older person in the relationship, and less happy if they’re the younger person.

I agree that the deals would be worth it if they made the Kings a playoff team

Yeah. I have complete and total respect for that, tho

He’s also Sully in Commando! The one that Arnold promises to kill last. He’s great.

the best exchange in the movie is clearly just before the line you quote

The Warriors is so god-damned good, it’s ridiculous. It somehow manages to have that surreal, almost dream-like fantasy land feel and aesthetic while also being a near-perfect action movie. That’s a really tough balance to strike and this one random movie from the late 70s just somehow managed to pull it off, it’s

You do an excellent job of summing up why A-Rod fucking owns

I like good beer but I also like Miller High Life. I believe this crazy world is too fucking fucked for me to give a shit about whether or not some people take beer too seriously or not seriously enough. Whatever, fuck it, beer owns and Miller High Life owns and I wish I had a beer right now.

It’s not an argument. It’s a PR statement to justify them getting more money. It doesn’t matter whether or not it’s cogent as long as it works towards accomplishing that function. There’s no reason to suppose that the owners are arguing in good faith.

Jason Schmidt was the best because he was great for the Giants, and only the Giants. Also he took a lot of money from the Dodgers and sucked.

A film where romantic success comes only after the leads have really learned something about themselves - specifically, after they’ve come to a proper understanding of the people’s struggle and the class basis of society.

I was going to make a Jerome K Jerome joke, but I feel that would be unkind to Mr. Wade’s wife.

That poor woman. I mean, it’s legitimately the worst nightmare scenario possible.

I think other people have made most of the salient points. All I really want to say is I love this fucking team.

if the league’s so fucking concerned about the players not having financial advisors and players who are hurting, what’s stopping them from spending their own money on it, for christ’s sake

But it’s possible to do that while still putting together more dangerous attacks. If they were mostly defending and then launching good, intelligent, fluid counterattacks, I don’t think anyone would be objecting. But they’re not - they’re defending, and then they’re displaying a complete lack of plan on the attacking