Space Coyote

My parents (so retirees from Indiana)

I vote not true of The Crying Game. Watched it maybe five years ago and freaking loved it!

Congrats, you’re amazing!

This is literally the first time I’m hearing about a 5th season, so that tracks. 

I was thinking the same. He’s a national treasure. 

Yep. I vaguely remembered reading the very first bit of this review and I was in group 1, so I stopped. Here we are 5 years later, and glad I went in cold. 

Yeah, I’m not a huge fan of the book, but that particular plot point I didn’t have a problem with.

Do people think it’s not good?

I haven’t, but I could see the relation. Honestly any of these gentlemen mentioned could potentially fit the bill [insert joke about inbreeding here]. OK, let’s get Maury!

What I saw wasn’t a total recut or anything like Tyrannorabbit is describing, just literally the original raw footage from the last scene. I think it was in a Red Letter Media review of Exorcist III.

The infamous “have you tried acting?” quote immediately sprang to mind. 

I have seen the original ending, and while I appreciate what they were going for, it’s just a little too anticlimactic for me. The Father Morning stuff is pretty separate from the rest of the film (which is especially obvious if you know that it’s reshoots), but I think this is one of the rare exceptions where the

Maury Povich style! But you don’t think that poor bastard looks like Charles?

I didn’t even remember it having a jump scare scene. I just watched that clip and I have only an extremely vague memory of it but I remember the rest of the movie fine. 

It’s definitely not perfect, but it’s a fun one to watch around Halloween. 

The end is a bit oddball, but in a way that almost works. 

Yes! Was thinking the same thing. I was a kid when it was on, so maybe it’s not as good as I remember, but I loved that show.

I just watched the first season of White Lotus and I don’t get the hype. In general I have a pretty high tolerance for media where nothing happens, didn’t really seem like a character study either? And all of the underlying issues about class seemed like Baby’s First Socioeconomic Satire. What am I missing?

Edibles can do wonders--I was pretty baked for the runtime of Dune. 

Same, I haven’t watched it as an adult though (I’m mostly afraid it wouldn’t live up to my teenage impression of it).