
Disclaimer: I fucking despise Trump and almost everything he’s ever done.


Boy, speculative reporting sure has a habit of getting real political real quick.

But, “Rape Me”—the lyrics, the repetition, the extreme similarity to “Smells Like Teen Spirit” with the quiet-loud dynamic.

I live near Scottsdale, and I'd like to see this. What's the name of the strip club?

Limp Bizkit is still a thing?

I feel like you can poke fun at genre tropes without being the worst example of them.

I don't understand why he even owned a tractor considering he lives in the middle of a desert and farms nothing

I just realized that I'd been confusing Kurt Russel with Russel Crowe since whenever this news first broke.

James Cameron seems a tad young to be hitting that "just wait till you see this ridiculous project I'm working on that in no conceivable way can ever be completed" phase people on the brink of being elderly hit