
This all reminds me that I’d forgotten that I’d long meant to get around to playing through Moss. Gotta do that.

It’s true that technically, this game doesn’t need to be in VR, but it just adds so much to your experience of the world that it’s still a necessary part of the game.”

I found this to be true of Lucky’s Tale

If you can’t see a systemic culture problem with a bunch of guys from a professional workplace going to a strip club together for LUNCH then...I don’t know what else I can tell you.

It’s a dead jellyfish, actually.

I’m there with you. I haven’t played it as much as I wanted and I definitely haven’t gotten very far, if we’re using trophies as a measure of progress, of which I have none thus far. I have been take down a few bosses, likely all optional, and all I’ve gotten from the game is a bunch of souls runes and some medallions

I was always bothered as a child by how the kid at the ends screams “Yeah!” twice. Not once, not thrice, but twice. I guess the ‘Rule of Threes’ is ingrained in you at birth.

Now playing

Sorry, I read Crossfire and all I can think of is this:

You didn’t say why you hated it. If you hated it because you thought it was overlong, tedious and/or none of the characters were sympathetic to you, you are in the clear. If you hated it because it was “too homosexual” or “the director was a foreigner with a vagina,” then you may want to be choosy who you express

Amazing that you quoted this, then announced to the world that it sailed over your head regardless.

“The struggling blues artist should have had better lawyers if she didn’t want some white millionaires stealing her brand” is a helluva thing to read at 6:30 on a Wednesday morning.

Hey, it’s not for everyone, but some people find refining strategy and trying to find your opponent’s errors very fun, especially because these two people are so good at it. If you wanted to be more accurate, you should have called them nerd bitches instead.

I’ve never been a huge Radiohead fan, but for the price of “free,” of course I’ll be checking out KID A MNESIA Exhibition. I love the idea of a virtual museum that doesn’t need to obey the laws of physics.

She’s been in a happy, committed relationship for five years with Joe Alwyn and just put out two of her most critically acclaimed albums last year. But, sure, stick with that narrative from 2012. 

Dawg, this is like a next level Shit Take.

Historians will look back on this take with awe and disgusting intrigue saying “Yo, the fuck was wrong with this dude in 2021?  

Hard agree on Pathfinder. While some games like Divinity: Original Sin have unbelievably professional dubs that make you question how it was even possible, voice acting now feels obligatory, which has resulted in some truly godawful performances that drag down the game around them, especially in indie fare. But given

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You want obscurity? Every time I see a mention of Dark Souls I think of “Troubled Souls”.

A little bit of jumping around this week. WAYPTW aficionados might recall that I’ve spent a few weeks puzzling out Baba Is You. That hasn’t really been the case this week because, as my newer Steam achievements can attest:

Tonight, for the first time in years, I run a DnD game. This isn’t the campaign I’ve been preparing for months, just a one-shot to get into practice and learn to use Roll20, but I’m still feeling pretty hyped and nervous.

Well I had been pleasantly surprised to see that tweet last night, but now I’m unpleasantly fucking pissed at this chickenshit move by IGN.

Got my second vaccine jab this week, I was prepared for some major side effects but I think it was just my arm hurting (which everyone gets.) So I’ve been chilling with some Final Fantasy XIV and finally making some alts.