
And she wrote a follow-up insisting that she is right. My favorite quote: "If we want to buy in to some idea that Richmond was framed then we have to believe that a lot of disparate people were involved, with no evidence of any motivation." Yup, that's pretty much it. Everyone in this show had motivation, and

@ Steamynicks

The Rosie Problem
Not only has the show refused to really show us who Rosie - the character we're supposed to care died - is, what they have revealed is pretty contradictory. She's a good student with a crush on her English teacher and volunteers at after-school programs, and she hangs out with drug addicts, dealers,

I roll my eyes whenever I see Mitch show up. The whole "leave the kids in the car" thing was ridiculous, but I did like how it turned out to be less dramatic than it could have been.

Megan Fox
Is she just really bad, or does she get cast in all the wrong things? I haven't seen her in anything since the first Transformers, but anything she's been in gets awful reviews. The reviews, however, don't focus on her bad acting, rather script troubles (Jennifer's Body) and direction/editting (Jonah Hex),

What is this?
This review only talks about the season as a whole, and has almost nothing to do with the episode. I mean, who reading this has seen the whole season? Why didn't you focus on the epidsode instead of just giving us a teaser to make sure we keep watching? Is FX paying you?

I can't believe VanDerWerff didn't pick up on this (or maybe he did, but didn't mention it). Definitely one of my favorite, too.

It may have been an overreation
that parents were worrying about their own children committing suicide after Cobain did just that, but after reading this it certainly seems that he was a terminal high school student. Never happy with where he was and making sure the world knew it. When Hyden talks about Cobain's

I had some beers with Steve Almond in college.
He did a reading at our school and came out with us afterwards. He's a huge dick. He wanted to make sure he was the center of attention and called out people who didn't put him there. All his stories back then ended with some kind of moral, like he was the only person

What's Hoarders?
The only reason I know what Intervention and Dog the Bounty Hunter are is because of South Park. Can I still say I'm into pop culture?

All right, son…where are they? Where are the monsters?

It says something about this show…
…that I'm cracking up just reading the quotes. I mean, I watched it and all, but damn if it just keeps being funny.

It's bad enough when I mess up a joke in conversation. I can't even write a joke right.

Regular, please
Count me in as wanting weekly coverage. Loved what I've seen so far. I wanted to add a quote, too, but I can't remember the whole thing, so fill in the blank. "That is the Dane Cook of…"

The Office
I swear, about a minute and twenty seconds in, you can see Erin's ass when she jumps in the air. Confirmation?

Wow, I was gonna bitch and moan about the absence of Name of the Wind, but I forgot about House of Leaves, myself. Although I have to agree with Wilbert. Awful frame story. The "movie review", though, I read three times.

The reviewer is Leigh Alexander, though, who has her own games site (forget what it's called) and writes (at least used to write) for Kotaku. I wasn't crazy about her Kotaku articles, and this review kind of nudges me the wrong way, but the point is that while The Onion may not be a games site, this reviewer at least

Stray observation
At the end when the kids were really fighting, Cartman was yelling at Kenny, even though he died earlier. Was this a lapse on writers' parts or was El Pollo actually another kid?

Can't write that. You choose from stock phrases, like you start with something like "Beware the ________ ahead", and then you choose from a list of things to fill in the blank. They're not all serious, as some read, "My heart is breaking" or "If I only had some friends" or "Hi!" but no "UR TEH FAIL NOOB!!!!!!!!111"

I don't know what's changed since you read it, but the American version of the game was given a completely new translation from the English in the Asian versions. The script was quite good, I thought. High fantasy, sure, so unavoidably corny sometimes, but the story was very interesting, and told through minimal