
Everyone else went to the other bombsite where they killed the rest of the enemy team but one guy from the enemy team as gonna plant the bomb on the other site and the others would be too late to come diffuse it giving the terrorists the win for that game if it wasn’t for Bot Oliver to figure out their dastardly plan

Fucking savage ass Oliver.

I would watch the shit out of this in some E-Sport tournament!

The thorn and final round problems will be solved next patch. But, because Bungie, I’m sure new problems will come not long after.

All of this is why Im glad we do not have matchmaking for raids.

i assum this to be a intentional joke

But, but, but how will I get my platforming/action/puzzle fix with an Indiana Jones theme until then?!

the 6th chest contains blue engrams

Oh, right on. I think it’s cool what they’re doing but I really doubt there’s much left to find, if anything. I love Destiny but knowing how the game is, I don’t expect stuff to be buried that deep, ever.

Bonus tip: if you steal other player’s goals, you are the worst kind of filth.

Let’s talk about how Black Hammer has basically been nerfed into oblivion. Spider tanks everywhere are rejoicing.

Some of these changes are welcome. Thorn was way OP and ruining the game in PVP. Gjallahorn; interestingly, about a good 15 players I met through Destiny LFG got sick of the game because all they used was Gjallahorn and it became boring for them. Maybe this will bring them back.

I now only click on Destiny articles for the intro paragraphs. Jason, you have a gift.

Tis not easy being green.

That bitch please face at the end xD