They should just make it that you the swallowed player can eject out of this champ whenever you want.
Also, change your username. Where’s that option?
The PlayStation Network, a premium subscription service that occasionally lets you play video games online, has a…
I want to say BF4 at launch was worse, but that was just general bugginess and was eventually fixed (BF4 now runs like a dream).
But Destiny devs already pre-loaded the excuses of how hard it is to change the code of anything (like the ammo glitch). They got more excuses than we have dedicated servers.
Well, well, well... Maybe I should actually give the Trials a go this weekend!
Don’t you dare talk about Shores of Time like that.
“And I hate that the only way for me to get a reasonable amount of Etheric Light is through Iron Banner”
My first time going 8-0 we got paired with a team from MLG. They wiped the floor with us, but we still had our mercy so we weren’t too upset. Went to orbit after the loss and got paired with them again. One of them actually shot me a message apologizing, it was an awesome gesture, I still don’t know that I forgive…
A fake Gjallahorn that shoots Tshirts
Literally, what the fuck did Bungie spend $500 million on?
(Here’s the direct link in case the GIF is too big to work on Kinja, although it works in edit mode. :S)
Atfter playing Borderlands 2 through at least ten times, no, the jokes are still funny.
If it was a dynamic system that reacted to your performance and made light of the fact that you’re running this damned Strike for the fiftieth time? Yes.