Sony would be crazy right now if they weren’t somehow in backroom negotiations to bring P.T. to Morpheus in some way. Also, realize I said P.T. and not Silent Hills. We have no idea what Silent Hills would have been but we know what P.T. was and loved it.
Forget Konami. We have Allison Road, a new horror game that is heavily inspired by the Silent Hills demo.
This article is a little weird when your name’s actually Richard.
I really wish they would’ve had a fatality where the defeated opponent pleads to Predator “c’mon do it! KILL ME. I’M HERE!”
The camera could not handle the brilliance of these two combined.
I know right?! How damn easy is it to set your damn exposure?! That’s like, basic camera 101, man!
“Nintendo 62! Nintendo 63! Nintendo 64!”
I see you’re a fan of heart attack inducing stress.
The only real immersion breaking moments in Isolation for me where the times the Alien would constantly pop in and out of the same shaft. OTHER THAN THAT? Best Alien game ever made and current top contender for what a new Alien movie should be like.
Damn, this looks creepier than the artwork itself. Well done!
Cue the “I don’t see the point” people who can’t grasp the concept that people have different ways of relaxing/escaping/enjoying.
Are you joking right now? “Destroying” mass produced cards to make something pretty cool warrants a “Fuck him and fuck you”?
But can we play those cards...on motorcycles?
I wonder how Destiny will handle the eventual phasing out of old guns when the next massive expac rolls around or when Destiny 2 comes out.
Hell, should they even be phased out? I mean I think it’s great that we can keep our old guns and have them still be useful, but it’s definitely going to get old having GHORN as…
I have the elusive and spectacular Felwinter that Kirk mentions. It’s my crucible go to. I also have a Final Round Efrideet’s Spear. Again, another fantastic gun that I use all the time. I don’t have a single House of Wolves gun that I use or want.