
Try Atheon’s Epilogue.
I’ve won against hard light because it just completely pelts and blinds people with spray and pray bullets and kills thems just as fast as Hard Light. It’s so fun to use now in PvP when you’re not being double-teamed

I guess you call that cosplay a... “Frozen Fatality.”

ba-dum tss ;)

If you want your name changed, be prepared to lose all your friends and saved data and trophies cuz my friend wanted his psn name changed by Sony.

I’ve done everything at this point Destiny has to offer;
I’m a Day One Guardian. Beat Hard Atheon (multiple times). Beat Crota (multiple times). Beat Skolas. Collected all exotics. (For Proof, Look me up on bungie . net “Sentarry”)
Completed all those triumphs.

Now, I’m finding myself stuck at 3645 grimoire
and seeing

I swear... what are you talking about?
me? cry? nooo... (sniffle sniffle)

damn. She’s perfect! Should could tone those buns and thighs a bit but 9.5/10 overall! rawr. I have a thing for Samus.

Don’t those guys get paid more than Jimmy too? lol

Cool guys don’t look at explosions

Don’t know if I am Cayde-6 or nah.

People ask me to livestream all the time and I ask “Why?”
I don’t feel interesting to watch at all. But then they tell me they feel more connected and need someone to talk to while they watch me play live. Im told they feel as I’m their friend and I make their day like that and keep them company :)

MissesMae!! :O
She’s in her mid to late 20’s. She’s so nice and seeing a video from her when her dad experiences VR for the first time was such a joy to watch and it put a smile on my face because the dad was so happy to play it. It was very sweet.

I hope those are real.

I think Bungie fast forwarded their editing on those Nolanbot clips hence why he sounds higher pitched. I slowed him down just a tad in the youtube video and he sounds perfect.

I repeated the section where he says
“Those are extreme tactics from the Cabal.”
like, he speaks a bit quicker than dinklebot.

Is Nolanbot portrayed as naive?

It actually doesn’t matter what weapon you use in any crucible mode. It’s only your defense in your armor and subclass stats that matter in Trials or Iron Banner. People don’t believe me but you can use a stranger’s rifle and it does just good as a legendary weapon in *IN ANY* crucible mode. Yep. not lying. not

aw, bummers. looks impressive, nonetheless.

Yeah, I’d won’t let someone who attempted me harm, in GTA, ever get away.
I really facepalm at the people who say “Bro, Stop. You started it.” and I’m just like... “wow!? really... bruh... “

The green screen was pretty obvious at some parts (like the saw) but the gouging and ripping looked so on par. Was laughing at how dramatic it was then the Gilf appeared outta nowhere for vengeance. hahah


Basically if Honest Trailer did a 2nd video to Honest Trailers: Destiny.