
he’s not a newcomer to voice acting.

“We awoken the hive!”
Damn, I’m not gonna miss that.

What’s an ether key?
Shh... it’s a secret. Only the level 34+ people know of such great treasure in a place called Prison of Elders.

Lag switching in Trials because you are losing... Irredeemably shitty.

My Favorite Martian, anyone?

This doesn’t even beat stranger’s rifle critical on those low armor-stat guardians with high recovery. I always use high armour stats and high recovery to survive this. People need to get pulse rifles like Red Death to combat against the effects of poison. If anyone has been melee’d by a invisible hunter with Khepri’s

Haha, How that hunter side steps in. like... “Hey, am I late guys?”

The game has started to become like this ever since they implemented the whole “If you ever get disconnected, We’ll get you back into the action asap” feature.
(especially IRON BANNER! Because that’s a special event where only your defense and armor and recovery really matter. weapons light power doesn’t.)

haha i’m dying. OP describes it well. 10/10

Who is that? She looks adorably badass. lol

The only humor I ran into was. “Purchase Refused, Purchase Refused, Purchase Refused... Purchase accepted.” and the 40-60 dollars for more DLC

the fourth wall has been broken

“Get to the Choppa!!”

Talk about having a conversation starter.
You know what they say, “Having a guest over? Make sure to own a fancy new life-sized anime statue and hopefully they take interest” or something. (okay, that’s probably not what they say.)

Sometimes I get a Feel that Destiny was Inspired not only by their Own Halo Game and Sci-Fi but also by Metroid Prime. There’s a tune in Destiny that totally reminds me of Metroid Prime then it changes to not wanna be the Theme of Metroid Prime. lol
The Taken remind me of the Phazon infused enemies in Metroid Prime,

That takes a lot of cooperation. You can tell they are a real good DRT (Destiny Raid Team)

Needless to say, as I presume, It isn’t “the Best Star Wars Game” but “ONE” of the best.
So, hands down:
It is, in general,
“ONE of the best Star Wars games ever made,”
and not specifically The best of all Star Wars games.

Is Something up with her pants, Specifically, Between her legs? Not going mention that CT doe. lol

I feel like this list doesn’t compare to unedited and uncut
reality of twitch’s viewing list. League of Legends is like the number watched no matter what. Then Counterstrike and Minecraft, GTA 5, And Destiny. Well, that’s livestreams for you. They are only there temporarily to watch for a certain amount time. If you