
I like discovering music but my preferred supplier, BBC 6 music, is only usable outside the UK on a PC, their iPlayer isn't even available for download on my Android Walkman (I'm sure you can do some IP magic but it's too much of a hassle). I used but that's closing down. Spotify as far as I understand is like a

The thing with that article is that "born to sell" makes some of us cringe. I'm an introvert but at my second job when I asked about the training program they handed me a phone and told me to sell x amount; which I did, experiencing cold calls and people being rude. That takes the introvert right out of you for those

You raise a ton of interesting points, I had to go through it one at a time. I think the key is the "interesting" bit; in "the western world" one didn't question the why, it was blatantly obvious everyone wanted to have the cars, the house, the 2.3 kids, go higher up in the corporate ladder... Sounds almost quaint

Yes, that one. They come in really hard cakes so while you can wait for it to soften up it might still be too hard...

Clairefontaine 17x22 cm with blank pages... Smoothest paper in the universe, nice transportable size. So perfect I dare not spoil it with my notes.

I'm still reading this, but it's good advice. I think the very first step is to get the biggest light source you can get, such as a softbox, the source can be a cheap manual flash.

As a chocolate addict I can only say... Interesting! But for hot cocoa...

Sounds more ecologically responsible than Drano or whichever usual brand?

Cool, I should use my phone more for this. Word Lens got 3 out of 8 translations in that video wrong (literal translations which don't make sense or are plain wrong in spanish)

I hear you. I have friends in far away places who use FB, and since I don't it's an annoyance for them to have to go out of their way for the minutiae in their lives I'm actually interested in.

I cancelled the Facebook account I never used in the first place, that company just leaves a bad taste... I think "social"media is extremely useful but generally needs a reboot. For instance while there's a lot of useful stuff on Lifehacker as well as its comments, and I try to contribute something useful or at least

Useful, thanks! It seems to work fine, although it's a little daunting to be confronted with every single unit of measure in the universe... Solved easily by putting the common ones in favourites.

I've used this several times when nothing but a new PC will do, but you want to transfer that old MS Office. Just pay attention when installing so it doesn't include browser bars and such.

Thanks, useful!

Thanks for the online shoppers clarification, I was frantically looking for the one transaction I've made with them and it was online!

I'm honestly very happy with Android on my Nexus 4, I never have to wait for it to react like on all my previous phones. Perhaps I should be ashamed to admit it but I still cannot type correctly and miss a physical keyboard. Google keeps nagging to use Google+ for everything, which I won't do. The camera isn't worth a

Good article, particularly the products vs experience bit. I have a theory that divides societies in three phases: 1. survival (I'm cold and I need whichever shirt I can afford); 2. enough disposable income, accumulating things gives meaning to the rat race (I want the best shirt money can buy, and flaunt it); 3.

I'm going to install the Gimp - again. I appreciate their effort but as an amateur photographer I just dread the investment in time required to use it and other programs like it. I know there are useful tutorials out there but I have yet to develop a clear idea of the full post processing workflow. Solving this would

My only ebay purchase was a discontinued edition of MS Office in a specific language; in all truth I only bought it to see what would happen, it was something like $25 for 3 sets or 8% of the original price. They did arrive on time, my credit card wasn't hijacked, the CDs looked genuine, but I couldn't find the MS

The ATH-M50 sure make music very enjoyable. From a portable source they sound even better with an amp, although that might not be a must for everyone.