Wow, an Amazon product with an honest name... As in backup at a glacial pace.
Wow, an Amazon product with an honest name... As in backup at a glacial pace.
My eyebrows stayed put... Studies backed by US producers are not believable... It's like Kraft talking about cheese. Which doesn't mean there are no problems, Italian producers of the real deal should make a communications effort.
All my laptops were 14-15 inches in size, until I got the MBA 11... Works fine for my for my needs and I can even slip it into my photo backpack, which is a real plus. A decent keyboard is a must.
Good tips. It's been years and years since I've done this, unfortunately unless you need a powerhouse for video there are hidden costs which for me don't make it worthwhile: yes, you can get decent components for less money, but ultimately you'll be putting the virus formerly known as Windows on it, so it will be a…
He, knew this but took me a while to find it... My vintage Vx Revolution's wheel can be tilted left or right for scrolling, even better if you can find a mouse that does it...
Don't want to get my hopes up only to see them crushed... But reviving my Mini Pro Sk17 would be amazing... Never managed to install CM on it, never got the official ICS update...
Sorry but Napoleon wasn't particularly evil just plain ambitious; Cromwell, well a religious fanatic so pretty bad if you happened to be Catholic, Irish or both. Not in the same league as the actual evil nutters.
She might be a him? It's a cool idea - the table I mean.
Interesting topic. My problem is I work in an industry filled with photoshop bureaucrats who see any kind of interest in doing things right or heaven forbid, the paying customer, as an affront to their lifestyle... So even though I'm very laid back I go from assertive to where's my shot gun in under 2 seconds...
Cool! And in the form of a pen too! I don't tinker as much as I used to, but this looks useful. I'd lose it in a second though... But that's unavoidable.
I forced myself to get the best result I could from my camera without post processing, to learn and to spend less time in front of a computer... But now see the advantages of taking the jump. I fooled around with OS X's preview settings and got decent results even with that. It would be great to have a primer before…
I have a very dispersed mind and mindmapping software got me nowhere... I'm back to pen and paper, different colors seem to help, so these articles are very useful.
Many interesting points, but to balance things out here's a single guy perspective:
Boot time is 3 times slower on my MBA, 11 to 36 seconds, but I did a triple somersault 10.6 to 10.9 upgrade... Everything else seems to run at the same speed, several Canon utilities won't even open, which might be a huge hassle. Still, much appreciated free upgrade... No go for my loyal Mac Mini 2,1 unfortunately.
LOL. Since you didn't experience them it means they are not valid for the rest of the world? Hint: there are more people outside your cave!
Useful, thanks!
Interesting. My first reaction is similar, because if people are brands then they are also products, i.e. things, and that takes away their humanity; at the same time "selling yourself" goes against my values, it's being phony.
Sorry, commenters are en grève.
Yikes...British Airways? All flights begin or end in hell aka Heathrow... Brutish food? I'd rather starve. My one flight on LAN Chile was very good, even though cabin temperature was too low, the stewardesses polite but disciplinarian... AirFrance? Well they'll probably be on strike, but yeah, decent wine makes most…