He he, it's not that bad, you can tell it's done by programmers and not designers, but I'd rather have substance with whatever works than a pretty site that says nothing...
He he, it's not that bad, you can tell it's done by programmers and not designers, but I'd rather have substance with whatever works than a pretty site that says nothing...
Gruik gruik! (speaking for myself, not aimed at someone else!).
Great idea. I wish Zappos did this, I just had to take a jacket back as it was aquamarine instead of blue... Otherwise amazing service from them.
I'm a long time keyboard shortcut user, I find it much more comfortable than using a mouse; Ctrl + F8 lets you access the right side of the menu bar (or whatever it's called, the one with sound and wifi) on OS X. Quicksilver works great for launching apps with keyboard "triggers", could never get an equivalent to work…
Reviews from fellow consumers can be very useful, particularly when vendors are still stuck in pushing lame ads and specs no one listens to or understands... It's still the wild west out there, you have to sift through a lot of self serving crap, with the occasional diamond; I think reviewers need to be rated too.
I'd forgotten to throw out my ancient Omnibook 6000, my one decent laptop back in the day, this reminded me... Kingston RAM I added failed... Now the hard drive... Everything else passed the hardware diagnostic, this thing might even run an Ubuntu... The battery is of course shot which sort of dooms it.
Ok snarky remark but... This makes it seem all beer is alike... I'd rather have a map consisting of 80% Belgian beer, 18% interesting beer like the original Budvar Budweiser and 2% that says fizzy yellowish bitter water... Even if that 2% consists of 98% of sales...
3, 2, 1... You're holding it wrooong!
It's a good excuse... Still does what I need it to, except for low light... That 60D is really cheap these days, the 70D has real advantages although mostly for video - I won't even mention full frame.
Canon 30D (5 years old?), 4 lenses. I just discovered the screen on my Nexus 4 doesn't display colors accurately (blues look purplish), which makes its camera even less useful.
Well the pressure to dress a certain way might be social and not stem from the company... Web designers feel compelled to wear the converse, skinny jeans, tattered t-shirts uniform and frown upon anyone not of their tribe... Whenever I heard so and so lost an earring / iPhone / wayfarer knock off I would quip "poor…
Amazon mp3s are 100% percent unavailable where I live - even though I buy from them all the time.
Interesting. I was a long time Freemind user but then realized it was a lot more productive to get ideas down on paper, which got me back onto fountain pens and decent paper. I guess something that's been missing is the interconnecting of maps, reusing the material to create presentations for instance, and hopping on…
I might be particularly thick today, but can't find this on my Nexus 4... What I use on my Walkman Z is Screen Filter, you set the brightness and voilà, no more getting blinded when listening to music in the dark...
It's the head for the 12xx series... Which happens to also fit the 10xx series (maybe others too?) and shaves way better than the RQ10... Won't fit into the 10XX hard case though...
Philips Norelco 1050X with RQ12 (not the original RQ10). Sorry about my phone's crappy white balance.
iOS feels dated, although I haven't tried the very latest version; Android offers something which has positives and negatives: freedom. The xperia mini pro sk17 offered a great combination of physical keyboard and small form factor (pro), but started feeling more and more sluggish (con), never got the ics update that…