Sensual A

To say they are just "stupid" is to run away from the facts. A lot of black men voted for Trump because they thought he would do a better job than Hillary and didn't want to vote for a woman. Some were fans of TV Trump and smiling negroes who think that white men will save them. Some black men really believe that

Used her for a human shield and then through her down a flight of stairs.

It seems as if Carol is the leader and also the consistent savior of the group. Her style of leadership is to remain hidden and cloaked until needed to strike. This way she can spend more time observing and planning for any emergency.

I don't think Carol was out of line at all in her style of warfare in this latest episode. I think every survivor just has their own style that keeps them sane. I think it is clear from the previous Morgan episodes that he spent some time insane and killing everything that moved, making he a more peaceful warrior than

Kind of difficult to thank the kid who just saved you in front of the girl you like, when his Dad who digs your Mom saved your Mom from your Dad by killing him.

In this episode we actually see the threat effect of the burned zombie on the ground. It had minimal threat and was easily put down.

Roaming the earth also saved Sam Jackson's life in Pulp Fiction.

What makes Morgan not want to kill is his own personal prerogative, just as it is Carol's to kill on sight. Everyone must make their own personal decisions in life on what they must do to survive. The fact is, he came back to help in his own way and did a great job of stopping the attack when others were unable to

Still wondering why someone did not burn the 2000 zombies in the pit. A little gasoline and fire would have solved a lot of problems. Even the guy who was burned who fell off of the wall was no longer able to move after he was burned.

People should remember that the last time we saw Morgan he was living in a room full of automatic weapons and almost killed the entire group for no reason. Taking the stance he has now is probably what brought him back from insanity.

My Name Is My Name