
You time-zone-ist bastard.

No, not tl;dnr. Thanks for sharing and best of luck to you.

The bit about Marah's father struck me. When I revealed to my asshole (for a LOT of reasons) father that I'd be diagnosed with depression about 10 years ago, he bought me a book on how to not be sad. "Think positive thoughts," was I think the gist of it.

*From my 70's playlist…

Recently had a fucking amazing roasted tomatillo margarita at a tiny local Mexican place. The other ones on their menu will entice me to return soon.

Is that Jack Black as Paul??


So, a reality show, then.

Seeing the girls in the picture at top reminds me of the ferry accident, and how many of those girls could have been a kid that drowned on that ship "but for the grace of God," and it makes me sad.

People who are NOT 12 like this stuff? Huh.

Like…. AV CLUB!!!

ME TOO!!! I saw an episode or 2 where only 1 Keno was onscreen, and then finally saw them together! I thought it was chroma-keying or something.

Coincidentally also appears on the university seal for Penn St.

You just described organized religion for the last 2000 years.



Baby, if you can't explain it in 2 sentences, it won't play in Peoria. *chomps cigar*

Past tense, but when and how Stevie Ray Vaughn died really made me lose it. Considering how he had fought his addictions his entire adult life, successfully at the end, I assumed he would go young but from an OD or cirrhosis, not his helicopter slamming into a fucking mountain.

Hang on a second, I got something in my eye… *sniff*

… or to one more serial drugger-rapist the world doesn't need, depending on who you believe.