
and Foggy is played by Sam Kinison?

it was more of a Hitchhiker's reference… but i could hear Towelie's voice when i made it.

as long has he strokes it with the hand with the gaudiest pinky ring.

i totally got the ivy league lacrosse team vibe as well.. or wait.. he's european, so polo? cricket?

i think they said he was in foster care.

in an alternate reality Grimm, Nick goes around to all Wesen operated business, collecting protection money

hopefully soon.. maybe word hasn't spread that far yet.. now that she's been arrested

i'm not super into the casting call though.. he's a little too.. douchey?

speaking from a self-hating Kehrseite perspective i was a little disappointed in Renard's implication that humanity ain't all that bad..

this didn't seem like a typical monster-of-the-week episode though. it reintroduced Sherriff Farris, brought her partially into their supernaturalish world, and then left us with that nice little surprise. she'd be a nice addition to the group, even if only recurring.

her taste buds are now partially composed of a dying tree wrapped in old leather.. so.. yummy?

did you find it odd when Hector calmly approached Mishipeshu/Hank to reason with it, Nick just bursts into the house and yells Hank? Sherriff Farris was outside with the racist asshole, they all came together, they had a plan.
Nick's contribution seemed to be.. kick the hornet's nest?

i can't believe they replayed that part in the Previously on Grimm

yeah me too. Hector said that Simon hadn't really been around his culture since he was 5? and only just returned after leaving school

taken on it's own, this episode could be problematic.
but they seem to be treating multiple cultures' myths as somewhat based in reality, right?

he was probably just looking for something stronger.

So say we Alt-F4

—- .-. / .— …. .- .-.. . / —- .. .-.. .-.-.-

— -.— / -.-. …. . .— -… .- -.-. -.-. .- / .- -. —. . .-.. ..-. .. .-. . / .—. .- —. . / -. . . -.. … / … —- — . / .— —- .-. -.- .-.-.- / .. / -.-. .- -. / .—. .- -.— / -.— —- ..- / .. -. / -.-. —- .-. -.. … / —- ..-. / ..-. .. .-. . .— —- —- -.. .-.-.-

cause Colbert said to?