Sensored Ship

TF are you talking about? Are you dumb enough that you think I’m the guy you ungreyed?
You’re the biggest mark I’ve ever seen.

Good job getting baited into ungreying an obvious troll, genius.

GFY with that TERF bullshit. Rowling’s position is that some women are less than human and shouldn’t exist. She literally advocates for genocide. I will not politely discuss the merits of her position any more than I will politely discuss the Klan’s position on lynching.

Thank you for flagging these organizations! I wanted to let you know it doesn’t go unheard, I just donated to both of them. 

Pst. Women already like the game. They just won’t play with you.

Brands don’t create things, people do. Tim Cain and Leonard Boyarsky are two of the original creators of Fallout, which they made while working at Interplay. They’re both now at Obsidian and leading development on The Outer Worlds.

You are a dumb asshole whose opinion is never going to matter to anyone.

Lol, “go spend a year in premed physiology,” when you get basic definitions wrong.

Lol, someone already did.

Well on a purely grammatical level, the “e” in “exaggeration” shouldn’t be capitalized. Also, you’re confusing gender with sex and sex with sexuality which are all three different things. Beyond that there are countless variations of X and Y chromosomes that can occur that don’t neatly fit into the male/female

The best solution, as is true in a surprising number of cases, is definitely to smash capitalism. In the meantime, Wizards investing more money in the scene that gives them their biggest and best publicity, is a good stop-gap solution. Just do we don’t lose sight of the end goal of, you know, ending the systems that

I think he went too easy on Bernie in that sentence, probably to try to forestall comments rushing to Bernie’s defense.

Tell men that a single room at a single event is off limits to them for a couple of hours and it’s a war crime to be tried at the Hague. Implement and nourish a work culture openly hostile for over a decade and “ThaT’S JuSt VieDEo GamES BRo”

Oh, come on. The writer loves the series, dislikes this aspect of it, writes a piece that explains what happens in the games and what might be behind it.

Oh shut the fuck up you piece of shit. 

Is there an objective measure of quality?

...and played in the crummy Kick-Ass movies by Chloë Grace Moretz

Lol, right, cause the straight white male viewpoint is bias-free! Oh, Joey. You are a real kidder!

I am embarrassed for you.

Aioli is. Aoli is an old ISP in Italy.