
@masterdingo: you brought the gay subject up, not me. I personally don't agree with many things there, but do glance at headline, like I do at most of the gawker network (excluding fleshbot since I'm at work ;) ). I don't really care about many things posted on jezebel personally. they don't affect me. this does. I am

@masterdingo: when your wife is overweight and has a low self esteem, keeping ahead of anything she may be crying about at home is not a bad idea.

@Travis Gohr: i was more or less meaning that most commenters below are bigots.

@treehouser: not all men here are assholes. I personally am attracted to overweight women, and am overweight myself.

Obviously gizmodo does not share many readers with jezebel.

@xaronax: amen to that. geeks are awesome, regardless of gender.

@xaronax: amen to that. geeks are awesome, regardless of gender.

@freedomweasel: also your traffic will be encrypted. the advantage to using wpa is not to keep mooches off, it is to encrypt your traffic.

cow: the swiss army knife of dinner.

@Kocrachon: i work in IT and as soon as we rolled out Vmware View, I have used linux full time at work.

@Facebook: so, in other words, mac will be catching up ;)

I hope to god you can turn off the "To the dock" thing. I use spotlight, i don't use my dock as a launcher

Add a column for operating system support. I know us linux users are out on the netflix thing.

am I the only one who doesn't use the desktop as a place to store stuff? my desktop is for pretty pictures, not stuff. I have folders under ~ for stuff. And I am the same way on OS X and Windows too.

@jekyoo_style: Yea, specs are the same. Love my aria, and while att/htc didn't give me froyo, it only took about 30 mins to root then load cyangenmod.

i missed where this was windows only. my vote is # mount -o loop iso.iso /media/mountpoint

sudo mount -o loop file.iso /mountpoint