I would toss a slide on here for all the young main cast of Reservation Dogs. They just are so exceptional.
I would toss a slide on here for all the young main cast of Reservation Dogs. They just are so exceptional.
True, but it’s also possible that some people who were completely turned off of buying the game because of the incessant chatter are now more willing to buy it...so I don’t think it’s purely altruistic
I think people are missing the point about the lawsuit. It’s not about people following the advice of a random celebrity they trusted. It’s about them finding out that the random celebrity was a paid shill for the product and not genuinely recommending the product.
I’m surprised that the facts behind bayc have not gone mainstream. They are nazis, their logo is a copy of a nazi logo, tons of their stupid apes have nazi stuff on it. Plus they used apes specifically to mock blacks. And nobody seems to care.
Yeah, I think Jenkins is generally great, and Wonder Woman was pretty awesome, 3rd-act CGI niggling aside. But. WW84 was just bad, and she really didn’t have the leverage required following that to take this stance.
I mean no offense to Patty here, but if WW84 was any indication of the direction you wanted to take things, well... I have to say that, for once, I’m siding with the WB brass on this one.
Too bad we’ll never hear a speech from a salty internet-nobody like you, I bet you’d show everyone how it’s done properly, champ!
That mother fucker. Literally.
Remember when Wonder Woman got this bad ass Amazon armor that was supposed to make a huge difference and it was destroyed by Cheetah in about 20 seconds.
In addition to the pandemic release scheduling disaster of Wonder Woman 2, it also sucked.
What the fuck are you talking about?
please get help
I once gave a retro streamer $20 to help pay his cat’s vet bills. Pretty much the same thing.
Trolling, obviously.
No Die Hard, no Lethal Weapon.
No Die Hard?
What??! When I go to the store I pay a whole lot more for 1's and 0's. Just image how much inflation is going to increase games when we’ve got quantum computing qubits that add a 2 to the 1 and 0. That’s a 50% increase right there!
I mean, sure, it was inevitable and we all know how expensive these games are to develop
It amazes me the regularity that bootlickers and paid shills come out immediately in these articles to try and blame inflation instead of corporate greed and marketers justifying their salaries.
“Almost like people don’t feel like waking up and having infidelity shoved down their throats every morning.”