WARRIORS! Revive the power of the ORBS

From the outside, this comes across as a big temper tantrum by the VGBC people. I get the sense that they felt they should get a license based solely on the fact that they were doing tournaments already and no changes would be done despite communication otherwise.

I thought this was rather informative.

Yes, you need permission from Hasbro to run a Monopoly tournament:

You don’t own the rights to broadcast the game. You own a license to play the game. Consequently tournaments can’t broadcast the game, especially with money involved, without the approval of the owner of the product/IP. You can do it, but if the IP holder wants to shut you down they have every legal right to do so. In

In summary...

Yep. Doubly so if you use an “art installation” ATM that takes your picture and displays your balance to everyone. The article tries to paint this as safe because people had to pay $70 to get in. But it really isn’t plus I am 100% the artist who designed this didn’t consider any sort of cybersecurity measures to

Anyone who has almost $3,000,000 in a checking or savings account is a fucking idiot. 

Ba-Donkey Kong-k

Wahhhh! Chris Pratt doesn’t sound like MY Mario!!! This is gonna flop because me and all my thirty year old childless friends are NOT going to see this!!!

Buffy went from the WB to UPN. It was off the air before the WB and UPN merged to form the CW. 

Self indulgent? Yes. Lazy? No. Song and dance, no matter the quality of the end result, takes so much work its a wonder any musicals get made ever.

The Switch would still find a way to struggle with it lol

Probably because, at least as of my writing this, it hasn’t been officially said to be.  TMZ is reporting it saying “people close” have said so, but there’s been no official statement.  I’d rather them wait for that before reporting on it.

He and Highlander’s Adrian Paul convinced mid-90s me that the way to be cool was to have a ponytail and be good with a sword.

He briefly made long hair on guys cool again. That’s plenty of a legacy for anyone.

Oh, fuck right off.

eh, I wouldn’t say this is entirely the hardware’s fault. They got Nier running decently on it, and Game Freak already has plenty of practice on the Switch (it’s the second generation that has debuted on this console!).

How does this change anything? Non white people existed in medieval Europe. For that matter, none of what mentioned here neccecitates racial homogenity. Or, if you wanna go a step further, none of this require all the ppl to be specifically white.

Any high turnouts in upstate counties of NY gives me pause and what that may mean come election night, cause if even NY goes red, this country is doomed. 

Wanna see me start a fight?