WARRIORS! Revive the power of the ORBS

Look at the bright side-

Mandatory blurb about how Lundgren was a chemistry whiz (and world-class karate competitor) who had recently received a Fulbright scholarship to MIT when he met Grace Jones, became her bodyguard, dated her, and followed her advice to quit the egghead route and become an actor. The guy has more going on upstairs than

You get internet points if you are the first person to accurately predict the end of superhero movies. Those points are redeemable for a job at a newspaper guaranteed not to go out of business for at least 3 months.

Straight guy here. This movie is awesome and very underrated as a Zemeckis picture. It’s very fun. Sure, the satirical targets are very old (like Madeline and Helen get) but you get involved because of these delectable characters and the story’s sheer entertainment value, which includes a fantastic production design,

The film’s ending moral, that true immortality comes from creating a legacy that will outlive you, has become far more poignant with Bruce Willis’ dementia and forced retirement.

I’m sure the producers are very sorry they couldn’t let 12 year old children experience the creative joy of discovery and experimentation. Drama club is good for that, kids.

It’s because of the textures. 8 used realistic textures in order to look “HD” but these courses, being ported from Tour, use textures similar to the “house” Mario style, much of which was used in 7 as well. There IS a difference, but it's obvious Nintendo is just doing this as a stopgap for when the next Mario Kart

I do NOT get the complaining about these courses, I literally cannot see any quality issues. Also given the price on these things (from free with sub to pretty dang cheap!) I don’t see any cause for complaint here. It’s awesome to have so many new tracks to play.

He’s a “good people on both sides” person lol

Swing and a miss, dude.

That’s what I mean by outlier, he’s so far removed from any other protagonist he doesn’t make a valuable metric. He’s a feral little goblin man.

I mean, we really havent had a ‘Bad Person Protagonist’ in a GTA game since Tommy Vercetti.

Beyond Trevor, who I consider an outlier. A HUGE outlier.

They have all been soft well meaning people who do some crimes.

I know I’m a bad person when my first thought is “paid off to drop charges.”

“of a” you dingus.  Fucking Kinja.

DiCaprio would often take a private jet to get on a helicopter to fly him to whatever huge yacht he was using that week. But he’s committed to saving the environment.

it’s crazy they are so successful! It’s almost like two of them are the sons of two long-time SNL writers and producers

Matt Smith was born to be a Targaryen

No. lol, The sold tomb raider specifically so they could invest into NFT gaming. They already confirmed it when they sold tomb raider and half of there SE games.

Still get a kick out of Square Enix selling off all their Western properties so they could get into the NFT market just as the bottom fell out.