WARRIORS! Revive the power of the ORBS

Because corporate disagreements should not lead to YEARS of targeted harassment and death threats. How is that even a question?

I’m not sure why anyone would be surprised...It stank of Gamergateness from the beginning.

VFX people were never hurting for work during the pandemic. Their work was some of the safest, since it could be done remotely. If anything VFX places are horribly OVER worked. That 73 million could have paid for other employees and crew members that were struggling far more.

The flip side is that the rights for “the little guy” are often not protected until some medium guy bitches enough that they become codified. I’m not saying “oh if Rocky gets a piece then it’ll filter down to comics creators” but sometimes it does work like that to some extent.

I mean, I’m old enough that I remember the constant spam/help requests from dumb shit like Farmville, so one braggy post a day seems pretty manageable. I mean, there are people out there that willfully subject themselves to the depredations of Twitter and its nesting infinite scrolls.

Actors are human, and susceptible to every negative human impulse.  Including, apparently, the joy of telling someone else that they’ve done wrong.

I have always taken issue with the discourse around Quiet which always just sounded to me like slut-shaming.

very funny to get this up before the review. crackerjack team.

That is a truly bizarre hill to die on.

‘bad indie games’ don’t have a modding scene with hundreds of thousands of mods
tbh most of your comment is just hate-talk. You don’t like crafting? Cool, you don’t have to do it. Repetitive dungeons and fetch quests? Sure, you can mod in some pretty awesome new ones. The combat seems awful? Tons of mods can fix that

Even if COVID-19 never existed, if I “woke up vomiting blood” I wouldn’t be doing anything that day other than going to the ER.

But enough with the general shaming; it’s irrational and superstitious.

Lol.  “Snark snark, bash Amazon and capitalism [next sentence] By the way, our colleagues will be covering the event in depth at the following link.”

He also hand-made the gun.

...[the culprit] had served in the Navy Special Forces and taught a unit in Medical School on Physiotherapy for dementia patients.

None of this works without Iron Man, to the point where the entire Marvel Cinematic Universe was shaped around his worldview, his sense of humor, and his egotism

The treatment FF7R got was better than what you’re calling VIP treatment.

Nebula should be higher, she might have the best character arc of any Marvel character. And it is amazing that even bald, blue, and made largely of spare parts, Karen Gillan can get it