WARRIORS! Revive the power of the ORBS

Wish they put some distance between the entitled gamer rage/harassment and the release announcement as to not give the impression unsolicited dick pics to Devs works.  

They have no desire to do so. They want people to purchase their new games, and make money off them.

Your internet throughput doesn’t make a difference with the quality of cloud streaming, as long as it’s above the minimum. Whether your speed is 1Gbps or 50Mbps, the laws of physics will inevitably spoil the experience in the form of latency. If you’re lucky enough to have a fiber connection (and you connect to the

A few thoughts on this fine July 4th

I’ll see if I can get something up soon. My upload speed is terrible so would be an overnight project. Thanks!

oh yeah, and its soooo hard to catch another one

It’s another togepi

Grade B, for “Ba-na-na”

Quote where they said men only can be toxic, Mr Strawman. I’ll wait...

I shamefully use Reddit from time to time and felt like I was drowning in the saliva of teenage boys who were eager to have an imperfect woman be the target of their rage.

Thank you, I feel like I’m taking crazy pills with how many dudebros saw this trial and thought “Surely this guy who had two judgements against him for beating his wife was the hero all along.”

Give them a break, it’s not like it happened everywhere; it was an isolated incident that occurred at a mere 730 showings.

because it was made for your Pixel and poorly ported to your pc

I haven’t seen this yet, but it does look fun to me. I will say that the hemming and hawing over “what IS this movie?” and the meta angle most critics seem to be settling on are baffling to me. I don’t think it’s quite as difficult to parse as some folks have suggested. 

Here’s an idea... Buzz Lightyear, by himself and in his own fictional universe, isn’t that interesting of a character, and is really just a generic science fiction hero.

This swivel to slideshow directive is a real treat.

To be fair, it’s easier to not care about delays when you are an indie studio that created a bestseller.

I don’t hate him, but I know why I dislike him. He runs his mouth and doesn’t know when to shut the fuck up. Simple.